Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The law is our shield – Abebe Gellaw

by Abebe Gellaw
Around two weeks ago, a few members of Ethiopian Current Affairs Discussion Forum (ECADF) Paltalk room members took the initiative of donating money for the legal actions I am to take in earnest against criminal TPLF thugs that have been violating our civil rights guaranteed under U.S. laws and constitutions.
In Ethiopia, TPLF agents are above the law; they are untouchable no matter what they do. Those who have killed, Abebe Gellaw, There is no small fight for justice.maimed, tortured and jailed so many innocent citizens are walking free. Some of these dangerous agents and operatives of the criminal regime come to the United States and Europe seeking refuge and political asylum under false pretense that they were being persecuted by the TPLF. Then they turn against other Ethiopians. They spy, intimidate, threaten and attack anyone vocal against TPLF’s criminal regime. What I have been subjected to for exercising my civil rights is probably unprecedented in terms of intensity and degree but definitely not unique as so many others have silently endured these kinds of criminality.
We have two options even in the land of the free. We can either endure the criminality of the thugs and terrorists that are out to silence us or confront them in a language they understand better. The legal recourse is of course the most powerful and effective option. In countries where the rule of law is sacrosanct and fully guaranteed, the law is the best shield we have at our disposal against the terrorist and thugs that have already chased us away from our beloved country.
Where there is crime, there is punishment. Having good lawyers to deal with complex crimes committed in various jurisdictions is a must. While pressing criminal charges is necessary, civil litigations will also be part of the push for justice so that those responsible will feel the pains of their criminal behaviors and actions. To that end, we will hire at least two lawyers, one in Europe and another one in the United States, where most of the multiple crimes have been committed.
I am very grateful that some Ethiopians have willingly supported this cause. Since we have started soliciting contributions a week ago, a little over $5000 (as of February 24th) has been collected. The amount is still far less than our target. But we do hope that we will raise sufficient funds in the coming few weeks.
Those who have donated confirmed, as much as I do, that we should not silently ignore criminal attacks, persecution and threats similar to what the people of Ethiopia have to endure routinely. We should do what we can afford collectively.
I would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank all who have already denoted for this campaign against our tormentors. Your support is very much appreciated.
I should also point out that anyone who has donated can demand financial report at any time to ensure that the money collected for this cause is spent appropriately. We will account for every dime spent.
There is no small fight for justice. Every violation of civil rights must be challenged. A criminal attack and persecution against one is an attack against all.
In case anyone would like to add small contributions, please use one of the following methods.

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