August 9, 2014
by Teshome Debalke

Tyrant dies and his rule is over beginsInterestingly, Woyane is determined it can lie, terrorize, kidnap, kill and robe Ethiopians to hang on to power. For the most part, it is because the stooges keep lying to reassure the regime everything is all right as expected in any tyranny. The fact it is vertically integrated tyranny to track the lies and atrocities is not helping it to grasp the reality of what its guerilla tactics is doing either. Essentially, Woyane is an organized mob that happens to capture state power to run racketeering and unable to restrain its hit men it unleashed on the people of Ethiopia.
Therefore, it has no incentive to reform as it would only bring its demise. It has no desire for democratic rule as that would criminalize its robbery and atrocities. It can’t negotiate out of its predicament it put itself in as a self-declared minority ethnic regime. The only hope it has is to call the truth and ask for forgiveness. But, the way the warlords and cadres are behaving and acting lately it is on for more blood.
Two years ago when I wrote; ‘Last call for Woyane stooges to surrender in peace; the day of reckoning arrived, I was telling the stooges to do themselves a favor and abandon Woyane for democratic rule while they can. When the mastermind of Woyane regime died there was opportunity to bury it with him.
Last year when I wrote; Woyane got it all wrong; it has no way out but the unconditional surrender for democratic rule, I was telling Woyane, no matter what it does it can’t legitimize its rule by committing more and more crimes. It would only make matter worst. Thus, I was advising it to take the only option it has before it is too late.
Both times I wrote I noticed Woyane’s stooges on auto pilot on their late leader legacy doing the last ditch attempts to legitimize Woyanes rule. Using the same terrorism to silent Ethiopians and Development State to robe the nation in daylight they thought would work. I also noticed, the apologist clearly mistook Ethiopians love for our people and country as an opportunity to play us as fools fronting half-witted warlords with a brain the size of a pee and fake diploma is good enough to go on.
When that is not enough, in unprecedented defiant ever seen, Woyane intensified robbing the nation and harassing, jailing and killing Ethiopian from university students, religious worshipers, opposition members, journalist and bloggers and farmers and villagers alike; all with terrorism charge. Essentially, Woyane gone crazy and declared the entire Ethiopians including, in the diaspora terrorists. It is a sign of an organized mob gone insane than a self-declared minority tyranny that would know its limit. I concluded, Woyane is dumber, deafer and blinder than I thought to miss an opportunity for soft landing.
When Andargachew Tsege abduction was confirmed I wrote again; Woyane eat the forbidden fruit’. As I expected, the true color of Woyane & stooges came out in the open for the world to see—proving there is no government in Ethiopia but, a rogue group running racketeering and assassination squad (organized mob).
Woyane blew its last chance to surrender peacefullyandbecamea-‘dead-and- deadly regime’ no propaganda, treat and terror would save its demise and the sign is on the wall.
Admittedly, the oppositions weakness have been seeing Woyane as a typical tyranny than an organize mob it is. That miscalculation cost the struggle enormously in life and resources. Now the world knows the regime operates as an organize mob; treating it as such would save lives, time and resources to accelerate its demise.
Here, it is appropriate to tell the stupidity or criminality of Woyane stooges. Calling an organize mob a government and its daylight robbery Development State will only make you hit men of a mob not law abiding citizens. Therefore, if you are 18 years old and legally sane you should stay as far as you can from Woyane.
Likewise, the stooges of a typical tyranny live-off picking the public pocket or trickle down benefits. Not the stooges of organize mob like Woyane that empowers its members to rob with impunity and the record show it. No member of the mob broke rank to expose the open economic robbery yet. Instead, legitimizing the robbery in the name of Development State and enforcing the mob rule through terror network became the rallying cry.
Here, Ethiopians must understand It isn’t that easy to walk away from organize mob. If history is a lesson; the initiation crime one commit to join a mob is not enough deterrent not to leave, the rule of a mob; ‘once you are in there is no way out but death’ would deter most, if not all from jumping ship. Therefore, seeing the intellectual stooges in diaspora close rank with foot cadres speaks volume to rule of the mob applies.
That said, there is nothing wrong with Developmental State as an alternative economic development model providing the State is defined appropriately. But, in Ethiopian case, the State happened to be the Mob of Adwa for the last 23 years. Most Woyane stooges don’t seem to understand the robbery except counting the money on their way to the bank laughing.
Here, it worth to note the real guilty party are the intellectual apologist and the Media outlets that cover up the mob’s crimes and attempt to legitimize it as Developmental State. Their agony they go through to come up with anything that would make the regime other than what it is from their hideout is a sign of self-incrimination, mutilation and deprecation. With ‘no leg to stand on; they are the last hope against hope to make Developmental State anything but….
Sample of what the stooges want to tell us at these late hours of Developmental State tell some of the stories.
The incoherent front Prime Minster Halimariam told us Development State envisioned by his late ‘dear leader’ is the way to go. Listening to the only official interview he gave for an independent Media (CNBC) on the economy tells the story of the fear, double talk and self-incrimination serving a mob posed as a government official. The Adwa mob behind him confusing him further is not helping either.
By rejected the same World Bank the regime relied to validate its bogus double digit economic growth data Hailemariam declared WB is wrong on Ethiopian economy. The evidence he presented was ‘seeing on the ground is believing’ and no longer data is necessary.
When it comes sticking with Developmental State and the local firms’ monopoly of key sectors (the cash cows as he referred them) he declared they are reserved for local companies until they can be strong enough to compete. Essentially, he said; the cash cows will finance the Mob of Adwas’s monopoly of economy sector until they are strong enough to compete with foreign firms; Developmental State at its best.
The more telling news came out of the infamous mouth piece of TPLF in Diaspora. Aiga Forum. In legitimizing TPLF Development State and counter Ethiopians’ demonstration on ‘Ethio-US Business & Investment Summit’ 2014 in Los Angeles California, it reported;
‘(Aigaforum) Aug 1st 2014 – A high level delegation of government officials and leading business companies in Ethiopia held a very successful business summit with US Investors in Los Angeles California.’
But, the only leading company the report mentioned was;
”WAFA, a joint business promotion company owned by Waltainfo and Radio Fana presented a short video that showed highlights of Ethiopia’s rapid development and opportunities waiting”
Apparently Aiga forgot Waltainfo and Radio Fana both are the propaganda outlets owned by TPLF that operate out of public buildings and using public resources. In fact, Aiga’s report was copied word-by-word from Walta info; so much for Ethio-US Business & Investment Summit. It would have been appropriate to call it TPLF-US Business & Investment Summit that is trying to luring US investor disguised as Ethiopian government officials. It is also funny to note, the TPLF has the audacity to do joint venture with itself.
In short, the Summit was TPLF-US Business Forum organized by none other than TPLF as the sorry PM hint without saying it and has nothing to do with Ethiopia or the US businesses.
Behind the whole scam is, Gezahgen Kebede, the Founder and President of the Ethio-American Trade and Investment Council (EATIC) in 1993. He is also the Honorary Consul General of Ethiopia in Houston since 2001. A clandestine TPLF operative, Gezahgen is also instrumental to bring Lucy for an extended tour of North American Museums and facilitates TPLF’s affiliate business in US in the name of Ethiopia and Africa.
In addition, he is involved in many activities, including a consultant and executive Vice President of African Affairs at the Tagos Group since 2010, President of the International Trade Center in Huston since 2008, Founder and President of the Texas Africa Business Summit and. He is also is partner with Atara strategy Group that according to its website “provides consulting services on a myriad of issues to sovereign states desiring American businesses to invest in their economies and/or to provide needed manufacturing, construction or service industry expertise’ and list the Grand Ethiopian Renascence Dam as the only project it is involved.
Such-coordinated extortion of Ethiopia by TPLF operatives demands an organize effort to get to the bottom of it. At the meantime, all responsible governments, institutions and business/investors and law enforcement agencies must be notified to the activities of TPLF’s operatives in North America and elsewhere. .
In another development, the plea to the Diaspora to come and invest home (to deprive the opposition support) is coordinated by TPLF intelligent agency and the Foreign Minister and transmitted by the usual Medias. Selam TV interview with another hired warlord is the new TPLF’s campaign to confuse and divide the Diaspora.
by Teshome Debalke
Tyrant dies and his rule is over beginsInterestingly, Woyane is determined it can lie, terrorize, kidnap, kill and robe Ethiopians to hang on to power. For the most part, it is because the stooges keep lying to reassure the regime everything is all right as expected in any tyranny. The fact it is vertically integrated tyranny to track the lies and atrocities is not helping it to grasp the reality of what its guerilla tactics is doing either. Essentially, Woyane is an organized mob that happens to capture state power to run racketeering and unable to restrain its hit men it unleashed on the people of Ethiopia.
Therefore, it has no incentive to reform as it would only bring its demise. It has no desire for democratic rule as that would criminalize its robbery and atrocities. It can’t negotiate out of its predicament it put itself in as a self-declared minority ethnic regime. The only hope it has is to call the truth and ask for forgiveness. But, the way the warlords and cadres are behaving and acting lately it is on for more blood.
Two years ago when I wrote; ‘Last call for Woyane stooges to surrender in peace; the day of reckoning arrived, I was telling the stooges to do themselves a favor and abandon Woyane for democratic rule while they can. When the mastermind of Woyane regime died there was opportunity to bury it with him.
Last year when I wrote; Woyane got it all wrong; it has no way out but the unconditional surrender for democratic rule, I was telling Woyane, no matter what it does it can’t legitimize its rule by committing more and more crimes. It would only make matter worst. Thus, I was advising it to take the only option it has before it is too late.
Both times I wrote I noticed Woyane’s stooges on auto pilot on their late leader legacy doing the last ditch attempts to legitimize Woyanes rule. Using the same terrorism to silent Ethiopians and Development State to robe the nation in daylight they thought would work. I also noticed, the apologist clearly mistook Ethiopians love for our people and country as an opportunity to play us as fools fronting half-witted warlords with a brain the size of a pee and fake diploma is good enough to go on.
When that is not enough, in unprecedented defiant ever seen, Woyane intensified robbing the nation and harassing, jailing and killing Ethiopian from university students, religious worshipers, opposition members, journalist and bloggers and farmers and villagers alike; all with terrorism charge. Essentially, Woyane gone crazy and declared the entire Ethiopians including, in the diaspora terrorists. It is a sign of an organized mob gone insane than a self-declared minority tyranny that would know its limit. I concluded, Woyane is dumber, deafer and blinder than I thought to miss an opportunity for soft landing.
When Andargachew Tsege abduction was confirmed I wrote again; Woyane eat the forbidden fruit’. As I expected, the true color of Woyane & stooges came out in the open for the world to see—proving there is no government in Ethiopia but, a rogue group running racketeering and assassination squad (organized mob).
Woyane blew its last chance to surrender peacefullyandbecamea-‘dead-and- deadly regime’ no propaganda, treat and terror would save its demise and the sign is on the wall.
Admittedly, the oppositions weakness have been seeing Woyane as a typical tyranny than an organize mob it is. That miscalculation cost the struggle enormously in life and resources. Now the world knows the regime operates as an organize mob; treating it as such would save lives, time and resources to accelerate its demise.
Here, it is appropriate to tell the stupidity or criminality of Woyane stooges. Calling an organize mob a government and its daylight robbery Development State will only make you hit men of a mob not law abiding citizens. Therefore, if you are 18 years old and legally sane you should stay as far as you can from Woyane.
The last refuge of organized mob to stay alive
The Economy
A typical tyranny extracts public resource directly from the state vault or through kickback from its cronies and foreign concerns. Not organize mob like Woyane that want it all.Likewise, the stooges of a typical tyranny live-off picking the public pocket or trickle down benefits. Not the stooges of organize mob like Woyane that empowers its members to rob with impunity and the record show it. No member of the mob broke rank to expose the open economic robbery yet. Instead, legitimizing the robbery in the name of Development State and enforcing the mob rule through terror network became the rallying cry.
Here, Ethiopians must understand It isn’t that easy to walk away from organize mob. If history is a lesson; the initiation crime one commit to join a mob is not enough deterrent not to leave, the rule of a mob; ‘once you are in there is no way out but death’ would deter most, if not all from jumping ship. Therefore, seeing the intellectual stooges in diaspora close rank with foot cadres speaks volume to rule of the mob applies.
The genius of Development State
First, it pains me to see Ethiopian intellectuals are watching on the sideline when the Woyane mob robes the nation in the name of Developmental State and terrorize the population in the name of fighting terrorism. Besides the occasional reactive articles here and there we yet to see institutionalized challenge to stop the criminality of the mob. It is one of the tragedies among many — our do-noting intellectuals left our country and people for the mob bickering on non-issues.That said, there is nothing wrong with Developmental State as an alternative economic development model providing the State is defined appropriately. But, in Ethiopian case, the State happened to be the Mob of Adwa for the last 23 years. Most Woyane stooges don’t seem to understand the robbery except counting the money on their way to the bank laughing.
Here, it worth to note the real guilty party are the intellectual apologist and the Media outlets that cover up the mob’s crimes and attempt to legitimize it as Developmental State. Their agony they go through to come up with anything that would make the regime other than what it is from their hideout is a sign of self-incrimination, mutilation and deprecation. With ‘no leg to stand on; they are the last hope against hope to make Developmental State anything but….
Sample of what the stooges want to tell us at these late hours of Developmental State tell some of the stories.
The incoherent front Prime Minster Halimariam told us Development State envisioned by his late ‘dear leader’ is the way to go. Listening to the only official interview he gave for an independent Media (CNBC) on the economy tells the story of the fear, double talk and self-incrimination serving a mob posed as a government official. The Adwa mob behind him confusing him further is not helping either.
By rejected the same World Bank the regime relied to validate its bogus double digit economic growth data Hailemariam declared WB is wrong on Ethiopian economy. The evidence he presented was ‘seeing on the ground is believing’ and no longer data is necessary.
When it comes sticking with Developmental State and the local firms’ monopoly of key sectors (the cash cows as he referred them) he declared they are reserved for local companies until they can be strong enough to compete. Essentially, he said; the cash cows will finance the Mob of Adwas’s monopoly of economy sector until they are strong enough to compete with foreign firms; Developmental State at its best.
The more telling news came out of the infamous mouth piece of TPLF in Diaspora. Aiga Forum. In legitimizing TPLF Development State and counter Ethiopians’ demonstration on ‘Ethio-US Business & Investment Summit’ 2014 in Los Angeles California, it reported;
‘(Aigaforum) Aug 1st 2014 – A high level delegation of government officials and leading business companies in Ethiopia held a very successful business summit with US Investors in Los Angeles California.’
But, the only leading company the report mentioned was;
”WAFA, a joint business promotion company owned by Waltainfo and Radio Fana presented a short video that showed highlights of Ethiopia’s rapid development and opportunities waiting”
Apparently Aiga forgot Waltainfo and Radio Fana both are the propaganda outlets owned by TPLF that operate out of public buildings and using public resources. In fact, Aiga’s report was copied word-by-word from Walta info; so much for Ethio-US Business & Investment Summit. It would have been appropriate to call it TPLF-US Business & Investment Summit that is trying to luring US investor disguised as Ethiopian government officials. It is also funny to note, the TPLF has the audacity to do joint venture with itself.
Surprisingly, what is missing in propaganda mouth piece Aiga was the whole scam was organized by TPLF. According to Africa Insider, an online media based in New York on its August 2 2014 reporting said;
“The 4th Ethio-US Business Forum was jointly organized by the Ethiopian Embassy in US and Wafa Marketing & Promotion and is expected to also take place in Los Angeles, California..In short, the Summit was TPLF-US Business Forum organized by none other than TPLF as the sorry PM hint without saying it and has nothing to do with Ethiopia or the US businesses.
In addition, he is involved in many activities, including a consultant and executive Vice President of African Affairs at the Tagos Group since 2010, President of the International Trade Center in Huston since 2008, Founder and President of the Texas Africa Business Summit and. He is also is partner with Atara strategy Group that according to its website “provides consulting services on a myriad of issues to sovereign states desiring American businesses to invest in their economies and/or to provide needed manufacturing, construction or service industry expertise’ and list the Grand Ethiopian Renascence Dam as the only project it is involved.
Such-coordinated extortion of Ethiopia by TPLF operatives demands an organize effort to get to the bottom of it. At the meantime, all responsible governments, institutions and business/investors and law enforcement agencies must be notified to the activities of TPLF’s operatives in North America and elsewhere. .
In another development, the plea to the Diaspora to come and invest home (to deprive the opposition support) is coordinated by TPLF intelligent agency and the Foreign Minister and transmitted by the usual Medias. Selam TV interview with another hired warlord is the new TPLF’s campaign to confuse and divide the Diaspora.
Woyane has no chance but to surrender
As the struggle intensifies, there is no place to run no place to hide for Woyane. Showing rosy drama on ETV and terrorizing Ethiopians on the ground is not going to do it. Hiding behind hired ethnic warlords or screaming growth and development isn’t going to cut It. Running ethnic and religious propaganda in disguise isn’t going to help. Crying –terrorist are coming on the shoulders of foreigners is not going to bear fruit anymore. Luring foreign investors to hide behind is an old trick that wouldn’t have traction.
Mark Batterson in his bestselling book titled Praying Circle said “Nothing is as freeing as confessed sin. Nothing is as isolating as a guilty secret.”
Woyane have no chance but to confess its sin and surrender or live in isolation with its guilty secret until its demise.
As to the sorry Medias and stooges that continue the hide-and-seek game in hope of sustaining the organize mob regime, it worth to note there is no running from the truth but dodging it temporarily
It takes courage to confess the truth and a coward to live in guilt.
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