Tuesday, December 10, 2013

TPLF (woyane) junta is colonization Ethiopia

December 9/2013
  Meron Admasu/from Norway
Ethiopia was never colonized by a European power in history, but since 1991 until now, TPLF/EPRDFregimecolonizing Ethiopia and acquiring full political control over Ethiopia
Colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically, historically, this has often involved killing or subjugating the indigenous population.
Here are among TPLFs systematical and brutal measures on the defenseless people of Ethiopia:-
Land grabbing (selling land for foreigners almost at free) , making freedom of speech unthinkable, human dignity under zero, there is no Religion freedom, manufacturing different negative attitudes toward different ethnics as common policy  , controlling core economy  by certain and specific groups /EFFORT and CEOs in vital sector/, in addition high corruption by the government, politically motivated prosecutions (disappearances, arrests, detention), committing genocide against different ethnics, evacuating indigenous people from their ancient land as a result citizens migrating to neighboring country or else far, for both political and economic reason,  giving and creating opportunities and resources for only “one ethnics group” (e.g. housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement,..…. extrajudicial killings of Ethiopians so forth.
I try to single out some of the issues and explain slight about “The three commandments”
  1. 1.    Anti terrorism law:-This law is providing the woyane junta as instrument to crack down on political dissent, including peaceful political demonstrations and public criticisms of government policy that are deemed supportive of armed opposition activity. It guarantees long-term imprisonment and even the death penalty for "crimes" that bear no resemblance, under any credible definition, to terrorism. It would in certain cases deprive defendants of the right to be presumed innocent, and of protections against use of evidence obtained through torture and also the law requires that detainees be brought to court and charged within 48 hours of arrest, always this requirement is not respected in practice. Police request to hold persons without charge up to a maximum of four months.

  1. 2.    The Charities and Societies Proclamation law (CSO law) :-The CSO law criminalizes human rights activities undertaken by Ethiopian organizations that receive more than ten percent of their funding from abroad and also the law will also criminalize human rights activities by foreign NGOs, including campaigning for gender equality, children'srights,disabledpersons'rightsandconflictresolution.It will also impose disproportionate and criminal penalties for even minor administrative breaches of the law; establish a Charities and Societies Agency with broad discretionary power over civil society organizations; and allow government surveillance of, and interference in, the operation and management of civil society organizations as the result they enjoy huge opportunity to abuse and carry out what they want after they locked down the gates.
  2. 3.    Freedom of Mass Media and Access to Information Proclamation:-One of the most disturbing aspects of this law is that the government has appropriated the right to prosecute defamation cases against the media even if the ostensibly defamed government officials do not initiate legal proceedings. Article 43 (7) of the proclamation says that defamation and false accusation against "constitutionally mandated legislators, executives and judiciaries will be a matter of the government and prosecutable even if the person against whom they were committed chooses not to press charge."This provision overrides the 2004 criminal law which had stated that cases of defamation would go to court only when the victims make complaints. Also, the compensation for moral damage caused by mass media has been raised from 1,000 birr to a crippling 100,000 birr – just over $10,000.In another example, the role and duties of the Ministry of Information were redefined in 2007 to give the government arbitrary powers to use registration and licensing procedures as a punishment for dissent. It also empowers the government to stop distribution of a newspaper if the attorney general deems a news item to be a criminal act.  In Ethiopia  where most of the established newspapers as well as radio and television channels are government-owned, the new law undermines the growth of the independent private sector by placing its fate in the hands of the government. As the result of “The three commandments” so many Ethiopian’s activists, journalist, freedom fighter, free thinker ended up in jail. We can list down names of persons that are known in and out of Ethiopia, but these laws captivating and putting others who tried to stand for their and others rights in Ethiopia.
But how is the condition in Ethiopia jail?????There is no way to know how many people who are detained in Ethiopia, because there are no independent or international organizations has access to Ethiopia’s prisons. Some prisoners reported being detained for several years without being charged and without trial. Prison conditions as generally bad, with prisoners facing serious abuse physical beatings until victim loses consciousness; suspension of victims by feet and hands, face downwards, with chest touching the floor; injection of HIV-infected blood, electric shocks on legs and back; denial of food, water and sleep; beatings with rubber truncheons, tying a large bottle of water around a victim’s testicles; shackling, beatings to coerce the signing of false confessions, etc But also of the terror instilled in victims to destroy their identity and sense of self and well-being (e.g. prolonged solitary confinement, ethnic insults and personal humiliation, threats about family and children, forcing victims to view others being tortured and so on.
How will we achieve independence in our country?-Our major goal should to create a sense of oneness, a sense of nationhood, to come up with the solution that makes out of us from colonization. If we have figure out the correct way to unite together and struggle in regardless of religion, ethnicity, we can create a new Ethiopia with democratic and human rights, achieves economic prosperity and social justice, and the respect of the citizen’s life, safety and human dignity.


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