Sunday, December 8, 2013


December 8, 2013
The Ethiopian authorities should stop covering their rear
by Solomon T. Woldeyes
For a long time, we Seattleite Ethiopian Activists have been known for our dedication, boldness of action, and persistency in our struggle to unseat the ruthless Woyane Government in Ethiopia; and to bring about democracy, justice and freedom to our people.  We have been at the forefront in resisting the Woyanes’ ongoing attempts to interrupt our movements.  In the recent Saudi crisis, however, Woyane agents surprisingly tried to exploit this situation, and aggressively moved to take the political stage here in Seattle.  Actually how they did this, was everyone’s question afterward.  As the Saudi crisis unfolded, Seattle Vanguard Activists called a teleconference to discuss the situation.  As a result of the discussion, plans of action were outlined, and individuals were assigned to implement these plans.  Apparently all the pertinent groundwork was executed within a short time; over 2500 emails were sent, flyers were printed and distributed.  All the Woyanes and their running dogs had to do was send text messages to all Seattle Communities, then at the demonstration they simply took the stage with their microphones,  and this was a dream come true. Apparently they were vigorously well prepared in advance, long before the Saudi crisis, waiting for an opportunity to crash land upon any chance available. At this particular case, their main purpose was: 1) To shield the Woyane Government from embarrassment; 2) To introduce themselves to Ethiopian Seattle Communities and seeking acceptance 3) To form a new organization and capitalize from this event.
In this scheme, to our surprise, we saw a few known Seattle activists who had turned rogue, had been passionately working with Woyane agents.  Of course, we knew immediately that these opportunistic hodams had done most of the dirty work for the Woyanes,…and it was their presence which confused the Seattlite Ethiopians  in general.  Even though the situation was a bit alarming, it was a great opportunity to identify these rogue elements, and Woyane agents in particular. Thus brought scenarios into perspective,  we paused and rethought, retrospectively; how these rogue elements had been operating; how much damage they caused so far and, when, to what extent, and its overall impact to our struggle; while embedded within us, and we ventured to assess the damages. We also were able to get some idea of how these agents had the daring and boldness to openly act and penetrate our turf; because in the past, Woyanes’ encroachments and  repeated attempts to take over Seattle were bravely and systematically repulsed, as our forces were very strong and cohesive.  But slowly and insidiously, Woyane agents were able to recruit and hire some hodams within the Seattle activists, and begin to drain our strength.
What we witnessed during the candlelight vigil was unbelievably shameful and outrageous; these agents’ contemptuously brought with them some of their Biting Dogs to intimidate and silence anyone who appeared to condemn or raise any issues about Woyane government. For the most part of the allocated hour, however, opinion from attendees was shunned, except for few preselected individuals speakers followed fundraising. Why they had to follow this course was obviously understood; the purpose and motives of such deep concerted treachery was to shield the Woyane Government from embarrassment; because they are the main cause of all these wickedness: when te Saudi Government decreed for the removal of foreign worker, had notified in advance the Woyane Embassy and had given offer to repatriate Ethiopian with their own expenses. The Woyane Government embassy, however, not only refused to cooperate, but further deny any responsibility whatsoever to its citizens, and monstrously had given consent allowing the Saudis to do whatever. As the crimes against Ethiopians had been intensified, when women were gang raped, bodies were defiled in city streets, while many were whipped like animals and cried for help, instead of uplifting their tormented soul, and emotional agony, or the willingness to had given them  comfort and security, the Woyane Ambassador, embarrassingly betrayed and dipised his’ own’ people. To our shock and dismay, the Woyane Ambassador in Saudi Arabia apologized for the distress and inconveniences that the Ethiopians caused to the Saudi Government. Then the Saudi Government, with no remorse, thus decisive, and full confidence ordered its police force to track down and detain, and further engaged in dehumanizing, and let their citizens participate in brutalizing Ethiopians.
Now this happened in Saudi Arabia,who knows what would happen next somewhere else to Ethiopians. Therefore, you have known and tasted TPLF Woyanes for the last 22 years, you known now for sure, that we Ethiopians have no government to protect us; then what should be our option to protect ourselves? Thus it is time to inform and remind all heroic Ethiopians, who are part of this struggle, and who are dedicated to unseating Woyane fascists, thus, we should be mindful, who  the cause of all these evil, and  never to be confused in this regard, nor manipulated by their shameful agents and opportunist  traitors; rather be alert and be vigilant in identifying these agents and opportunistic hodams, to absolutely not give them no chance, nor access, but deny and never let them to entertain or spread their monstrous propaganda. Do not be afraid, nor be silenced but condemn their shameful actions, confront them and let them know your  degust and indignations. Surprisingly, at the candlelight vigil in Seattle these hypocrites and shameful hodams have boldly opened their mouths to preach us ‘Unity’; that we should not condemn Woyane government in Ethiopia. Further they even dared to silence, and deprive us our freedom of speech….exhorting us NOT to talk about politics, which they said, ‘was not the proper time and space.’  We patiently listened to their naïve exhortation, but with absolute indignation, and laughed at their stupidity and ignorance in coming up with such a despicable and  proposal.  Then we began thinking that if there were indeed new phenomenon of which we were unaware that has changed the dynamics of Ethiopian politics, we should not condemn Woyane Government in Ethiopia.  What were our main purposes for several years in the  struggle?  I hope not enjoying politicking!  Let everybody know, and we will say it aloud, and ask questions:  who is the main cause of all these problems?  Who afflicted Ethiopians in greater proportion, the Saudis or the Woyanes?  Who brought woes and suffering to Ethiopians in the first place?   Who disunited Ethiopians and made a breeding ground for ethnic intolerance; animosities among ethnics, and exposed them for the never ending conflicts?  Who impoverished millions of Ethiopians and left them without hope?  Who sponsored the ethnic cleansing in Assossa, the massacre in Bedeno, Arbagugu, Sedamo, to mention a few?  Who repeatedly massacred Addis Ababa University students, and terminated their 46 prominent professors?  Who massacred the peaceful demonstrators in broad daylight in 2005, in Addis Ababa?  Who genocided hundreds of Anuakis in Gambella? For the past 22 years, who secretly exterminated the Amharas in Northern Shoa and Gojjani provinces with toxic vaccines; made the men impotent, and  sterilized their female counterpart, in the name of family planning?  Who evicted thousands of indignant Omoites from their fertile land and exposed them to famine and diseases?   Who sold most of Ethiopia’s arable land, water basins, and vast natural resources to foreign shareholders?  Who gave the orders for the ethnic cleansing of the Amharas from the South and Southwest of Ethiopia, and why?  Who tortured thousands of political prisoners in Woyane with fleas, ticks, lice infested prisons, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, for 22 years?Who disenfranchised the former Ethiopian army? And , what happened to the displaced Ethiopians from Asseb? Who gave 64,000sq kilometres chunk of land to the Sudanese Government, and the present ongoing more free land giveaway in the Northwest Ethiopia for protection of TPLF Woyanes to stay in power. The list goes on and on, nonstop, endlessly.  In case some of us have forgotten, alas!!!   There are many with fresh memories.  “Yewegga Birressa Yetesegga Ayiressam.”
Returning to my main topic:  who caused the Saudi crisis, and who is responsible for this disaster in the first place?  It is not rocket science to find an answer to this question….even a 5-yr old child knows the answer. Is it not Woyane’s bad governance; its political corruption,  their selfishness, their autocratic ethnic tyranny which contributed to all of these prevailing crisis, and brought about this folly? Is it not, their policy of ethnic division that created conflicts and destabilization , that one harmonious and united Ethiopians from enjoyment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in their own country…..forcing them to flee their own land to seek freedom elsewhere.  Ethiopians have given up with these ethno fascists who looted their country in broad day light, enriching themselves, leaving the rest of the population wrenched and impoverished .   TDA, Tigray Development Agency is the entity which controls most economic sectors,and the overall Ethiopian economy….this simply tells who TPLF or Woyane means.  All business run by Woyane, including human trafficking, who have been selling these very Ethiopians who suffer in Saudi Arabia.  It was the Woyane agents who profited from these business proceeds, which sends Ethiopians for enslavement and sexual exploitation.
Presently, of course we are furious, and emotionally devastated, as we begin to lament the barbaric actions of the Saudis.  Yes, obviously it is a natural reaction, especially when watching such horrific scenes and images; the defilement of our brothers and sisters, and the total perpetration of crimes against humanity.  It is all beyond the comprehension of human consciousness.  But in comparing these crimes to the overall atrocities which the TPLF Woyane government has been committing against Ethiopians for the past 22 years, we see that there is no real comparison.  The level and magnitude of Woyane’s affliction have been beyond the pale, and far more hideous.  And yet our hodam opportunistic brothers, here in Seattle, dared to tell us not to condemn nor utter a word against Woyane Government in Ethiopia.  They also dared to preach to us about ‘UNITY’; that we are one people. Of course, we are one people, this we do not deny that we are all Ethiopians, but the distinguishing factor between us and them; Woyanes have  have been engaged in destruction and diunity, while as we heroically  have stood to save from their apocalyptic mission . Those who have been embarked in destruction; and engaged upon their shameful and perverted action, and began raping our common mother, dehumanized and killed our brothers and sisters, and brought about misery, suffering upon the land. Thus we say they are criminals; and their criminality utterly despicable and beyond belief. Therefore all Ethiopians should unite to bring these criminals to justice. No matter when, and how long it may take, this will be done, but till then, we will not rest. Nobody but we Ethiopians, will be the judges, the attorneys, the bailiffs, then the verdict would be given. Thus there will be no more favoritism, no more corruption, no more ethnic superiority, but it will be fair and simple, then we should get even.
Amazingly, have come all the way from Ethiopia, dare to pollute our peace here in America; in the land of the free is stupidity, …their attempted to silence us, to deprive us of our right of free speech was absolutely ridiculous.  It is outrageously insane to bear this kind of ignorance and contemptuousness. Although the surprise move to take over Seattle will remain only as a one-time show, and the only bonus to their Woyane masters.  We are very pleased that they gave us an opportunity to evaluate ourselves, and a wakeup call to regroup, reclaim, and defend our city.  With all the spirit of truth and the conviction for which we stand, we vow never to let Woyanes  do this again.  This ha had to be their first and the last time period.  They will never get no other chance or right to brutalize or dehumanize Ethiopians;  this is our territory and our turf.  We ARE the rightful owners of the political stage.    And nothing will stop us from exposing and shaming their ruthless ethno-fascist Woyanes!
In my conclusion : I would like to remind all Ethiopians that the Woyanes have appeared with a new strategy of ‘divide and conquer’ which is completely different than what they have been successfully implemented in the past—-religion and ethnic differences as instrumental in dehumanizing Ethiopians and destroying our country. Thus in the last couple of years, however, they have come up with a brand new divisive strategic slogan…..‘Age Difference’….this is to isolate the older generation from the younger.  The word ‘Young Wotatoch’ has been repeatedly mentioned as  Theme Word here in Seattle, and elsewhere.  It was not without purpose, because the Woyanes believe the younger generation could easily be manipulated.  According to the Woyanes’ narrow minded psychology:  In their 22 years of educational curriculum, Ethiopian history never has been taught in schools, so they think the generation is already disconnected from its past.  Then since the younger generation does not know the once beautiful and United Ethiopia, and the sacrifice paid by their ancestors to be preserved for them, and not instilled in them, then it could be easy to manipulate them.  They (younger generation) will not come forward in pursuance of a bitter struggle.  With this notion and assumption the Woyanes have come with this strategy to divide the young from the old.   They do not wish for the older generation to pass down their truth, their beautiful history, the sacrifice paid to preserve Ethiopia to this generation. 
Therefore this mission of theirs, should by any means be stopped. Thus I would like to remind all Ethiopians to engage in heroic and noble mission, to share and tutor your love and experience, about, the  beautiful, united, historical country, Ethiopia, and share this truth to your children, relatives, peers, friends;-this is very important, and thus you will save the generation from woyane’s confusing propaganda: because their  falsehood and disinformation temporarily could pollute and manipulate the untutored young mind easily. Let us sand firm and be persistence and insistence for the freedom of our country.
For the moment, it seems, the truth has failed Ethiopians, but we will never give up, nor we accept defeat, nor surrender, united we march forward to victory.

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