In the wake of the news this week EPRDF/TPLF stooges in Diaspora are on the way to Addis Ababa to rescue the brazen Ethiopian ethnic tyranny from taking beatings from Ethiopians in Diaspora I can’t help but want to tell them how stupid can they be to even entertain the idea of meeting the regime let alone waste time and money to travel to help preserve a pathetic ethnic Apartheid tyranny.
First of all, there is no whatsoever excuse for anyone that tasted freedom and democracy to voluntarily go back into servitude of tyranny. Therefore, Woyane stooges in Diaspora broke the record of stupidity, ignorance and corruption of the millennium. That isn’t all; they willingly insult the people of free world that gave them the privilege to be free they don’t deserve. I can only say stupidity, ignorance and corruption isn’t a virtue; as the Woyane stooges think.
My fear is, they are stupid, ignorant and corrupt enough to comeback and demand to dissolve the US voting right, reinstate slavery, strip freedom of speech as luxury they can’t stand and insist one government run Media is sufficient to tell us growth and development. Also, don’t be surprise if they demand the US Election Commission select the US President and the Representatives by 99.9% to bring about Revolutionary Democracy in the free world. Oh yes, I forgot the main reason they traveled; the US government to label the ‘extremist Diaspora’ terrorists and lock them up.
Seriously, the stooges in Diaspora honestly believe Woyane brought good governance and democracy. Haven’t you noticed some of the stooges in the Diaspora comparing Woyane rule with the US? I vividly remember a few years back a stooge that came on Voice of America claiming the 99.64% selection of Woyane in the 2010 election as ‘the people has spoken’. I was stunned with the statement of the individual the reporter referred as Doctor… mad at the reporter not to follow up-asking him what kind of Doctor he was to accept such statistic.
Why would stooges go through self humiliation in the service of tyranny? Why would individuals privileged to exercise their freedom and liberty in the free world travel across the world to talk about how to preserve ethnic tyranny in their birth place to comeback against freedom of their fellow Ethiopians in Diaspora. Frankly, it defies all human logic.
Don’t get me wrong, given a choice, I never heard humans giving up their freedom for anything except Woyane stooges in the Diaspora. It gets worst, they actually spent money and time to travel to handover their freedom and liberty in a hand basket for a corrupt small time ethnic tyranny. Talk about hitting the bottom of humanity.
Before you make up your mind one way or another about stooges of tyranny I want to clearly show ‘the fact on the ground’ as the stooges like to put it’. Voluntarily giving up freedom and liberty for anything can’t happen unless one is complete fool, ignorant or corrupt to sell it for whatever it worth. I can’t think of other explanation other than, may be being a jackass. Therefore, I am not in a liberty to accuse the stooges in Diaspora, particularly those that traveled across the world to rescue Woyane jackasses but everything else. But, if they insist to act like one I wouldn’t hesitate to call them as I see it i.e. if the shoe fit wear it.
Quite frankly, if you think about it, it is more a mental state with three possibilities where free person[s] would voluntarily take tremendous effort wanting to be servitude of ethnic tyranny, for that matter any tyranny. Stupidity, ignorance or corruptions are the only three possibilities I can think of. If there are other reasons I will stand corrected.
Stupidity is a state of mind where due to absence of mental capacity a person[s] does stupid things. Since it is a natural phenomenon it is understandable when person does thing out of the ordinary because of lack of mental capacity or disorder. Often societies understand the disorder and provide medical attention and overlook their action. The law also recognizes the mental capacity of stupidity not to punish the offender harshly if any at all.
The other possibility is Ignorance; ‘a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge). The word ignorant is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts.’ Therefore, lack of knowledge sometime put people in situations where they don’t know by following the misinformed crowed i.e. the blind leading the blind without questioning. Though ignorance is not a defense unless one is under age or mentally incapable it is not a crime until one act on it.
The last possibility is Corruption; ‘spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement. Government, or ‘political’, corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for his or her own personal gain, according Wikipedia.
Obviously, corruption is an act of deliberate criminality with serious character flaws that can suck an individual’s sprit to do unspeakable offence, in some cases unimaginable crimes against humanity in the service of individual, group or regimes.
Under the three traits and character flaws are where the Woyane stooges in Diaspora can be judged. What ever category they fall, they are refugees from freedom; seeking mental and physical or both shelters in tyranny, in this case ethnic tyranny. Though stupidity and ignorance isn’t a crime until one act upon them the stooges in Diaspora have lots of explaining to do for their stupidity and ignorance sustaining a corrupt ethnic tyranny for too long. At the meantime, the corrupt stooges are common criminals that belong in jail. The lack of institutions to follow up on their criminality keeps them out of jail roaming the street free harassing the innocent. As deadly, at the meantime comical as the stooges’ behavior in Diaspora may be it is unheard of in the human experience.
Of course, the news the stooges traveled to give comfort to ethnic tyranny may have shocked but not surprised many Ethiopians; knowing their behavior in the past. Twenty two years of voluntary servitude for ethnic tyranny residing in the free world is not record freemen will be proud and speaks volumes to the character flaws of Woyane stooges in Diaspora. Therefore, it is hard to comprehend such out of the ordinary behavior can happen in free society with one free will to explain it by stupidity, ignorance or corruption. What is astounding is some of them hold responsible positions in free societies but act as stupid and ignorant as a layman at onetime or another.
This brings to mind the possibility of what is referred as Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD); a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities. It isn’t unusual well educated stooges in Diaspora to have multiple personalities; speaking on important issue. Such characteristic is deviate enough to force them live double lives where; even their closest person[s] might not know their identity.
Absence of any other explanation with their complex behavior we can only conclude; some disorder or criminality explains the behavior of the stooges in Diaspora when they freely and willingly want to be servitudes of tyranny.
The good news is, the era of stupidity, ignorance, corruption or multiple personality is over and done with; thanks for information technology that put everything out in the open. The stooges in Diaspora will be forced to live as refugees under tyranny or free under democracy or must seek medical attention for their disorder. Either way, there is no safe heaven for them to hide in free society where they can eat their cake and have it too.
That said, the few time the clandestine stooges in Diaspora came out in public to show their support for Woyane tyranny shows they fall in one of the four categories. Though we can clearly see most if not all fall in the two categories (Stupidity and Ignorance) while the leaders fall in the other two (corrupt and multiple personality). Therefore, bunching all Woyane stooges in Diaspora with the corrupt or multiple personality might not be wise decision. Even though they are adults willingly to exhibit stupidity and ignorant for whatever reason they are not necessarily corrupt or have multiple personality disorder as the ringleaders.
As far as democratic movements are concerned the corrupt stooges in Diaspora must be the target not the stupid and ignorant that follows them blindly. The question is who are the corrupt stooges in Diaspora causing havoc? Starting with the delegates that travel on Woyane rescue mission on their free will leads to the rest of the stooges that are waiting their instructions.
The flip side of the other question is; where are the institutions that follow them up until they face raw justices? Naturally, political parties aren’t considered impartial to bring criminals to justice. Therefore, where are the civic institutions that put a stop to the criminality of the stooges in Diaspora?
We can’t let criminals or mentally deranged stooges in Diaspora roam the street free for too long and expect freedom and democracy here and at home. That is the honest truth.
Ethiopians will be free and the stooges will be imprisoned, it is a matter of time
This article is dedicated for Ethiopians in Diaspora that are chasseing the stooges to face justice
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