While we had received the leaked information of the sinister plans being hatched by the TPLF politburo members a few weeks ago, the pending visit of the U.S. President to Ethiopia have made it imperative for the TPLF regime to carry out the heinous crimes in the next few days.
We would like to inform the Ethiopian people and the international community that TPLF has finalized plans to carry on terrorist acts at Bole International Airport, along the major highway leading to the airport, at the headquarters of the African Union and the U.S. Embassy.
The TPLF minority regime is, of course, no stranger to planting bombs in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa in a bid to frame its real and perceived political enemies and brutally murder innocent Ethiopians.
Massive leaks of secret files by WikiLeaks has exposed the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi as the terrorist-in-chief. In a report from 2006 marked “Secret; Subject: Ethiopia: Recent Bombings Blamed on Oromos Possibly the Work of Government of Ethiopia” “Classified By: Charge [d’Affairs] Vicki Huddleston”, “An embassy source, as well as clandestine reporting, suggests that the bombing may have in fact been the work of the Government of Ethiopia security forces.” (Cable reference id:#06ADDISABABA2708.)
Patriotic Ginbot 7 strongly condemns the senseless brutality and the unconscionable use of terror by the rogue regime in Ethiopia to garner international support. Its utter disregard for the sanctity of human life and the Ethiopian people’s well known reputation as a peaceful and cultured people who abhor violence is truly horrifying.
The very fact that this dying regime is willing to kill, maim and cause mayhem in Addis Ababa to maintain power at any cost and in the face of a shrinking political base is a clear indication that it has lost any legitimacy to rule Ethiopia.
Patriotic Ginbot 7 would like to remind the deeply traumatized people of Ethiopia who are knowledgeable of the sinister motives of the fascist regime to be ever so vigilant and take every precaution for their individual and collective safety.
It is also time for the United States and the international community to realize that a terrorist regime willing to use violence to cling to power will never be a credible partner in the “war against terror.”
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