Freedom of Expression For All Ethiopian Peoples , NOW !
ሐሳብን የመግለጽ ነጻነት ለሁሉም የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ፣ አሁኑኑ !
Free all Ethiopian Jornalist and Political Prisoners, Stop the Persecution of Independent Press in Ethiopia,
We shall prevail! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
“The Provinces of Amhara are : Simen, Waldibba, Wolkait,Wogera,Chilga, Kuara, Belesa, Fogerra, Damot, Gojjam, Begemidir, Beshilo ….. Waldiba situated to the NW of Semein between the Tekeze and the Angereb, extends as far as the junction of the two rivers. Welkait is to the west Of Waldiba it is intersected through its whole length by the two river tekuar and guang. It is more wooded than waldiba..” (Routes in Abyssinia (printed in 1867 G.C) page 188)
“The territory of Tigre whose capital is Adwa, is bounded on the West by Shire, on the Southwest by Temben and Adet on the South by Geralta on the South –East by Haramat, on the East by Agame, and on the North by the rivers of Mereb and Belessa”
“The territory of Tigray whose capital is Adwa is bounded on the west by Shire, on the south west by Temben and Adet, on the south by Geralta, on the South East by Haramat, on the East by Agamae, and on the North by the Rivers Mereb and Belessa”
“Tigre is bounded by the territory of the Bahirenegash that is by the river Mereb on the East and Taccazze upon the west. It is about one hundred and twenty miles broad from E. to W. and two hundred from N. to S. “
ጀምስ ብሩስ በዚሁ መጽሓፉ Chapter 10 ላይ Geographical division of Abyssinia into province በሚለው አንቀጹ ላይ በይበልጥ ቁልጭ አድርጎ እንዲህ ያስቀምጠዋል
The first division is called Tigre, between Red Sea and the river Tekeze. Between that River (Tekeze) and the Nile Westwards where it bounds the Oromo, it is called Amhara.
ካለ በኋላ ወረድ ብሎ ይበልጥ ጉዳዩን ሲያስረዳ “Tekezze is the natural boundary between Tigre and Amhara”
«Tractatus tres historico-geographici (1634): A seventeenth century historical and geographical account of Tigray, Ethiopia (Aethiopistische Forschungen) 1634» መጽሀፍ የመጀመሪያ ምዕራፍ ስለ ትግራይ ግዛት እንዲህ ይላል::
“Among all the kingdoms that the Emperor of Ethiopia possesses today one of the greatest if not the greatest and the most important is the kingdom Tigre. From north to south, that is from the limits of the Hamasen to Enderta, it covers an areas of from ninety to one hundred leagues (3.2 miles); and from the east, which is besides Dancali, located at the entrance to the Red sea to the southern end of the Red Sea, to the west bounded by the Tekezze River beside the Semen, it covers an area of similar size, so that the Kingdom has a nearly circular shape.”
ዮሓንስ መኮንን Ethiopia: the land, its people , History and Culture በሚለው መጽሓፉ Page 351 በአጼ ዘርዓ ያ ዕቆብ ዘመነ መንግስት የነበረውንና በመጽሓፍ አክሱም የተተነተውን የትግራይን ካርታ እንዲህ ያቀርበዋል
“The Book of Axum.. Shows a traditional schematic map of Tigray with its city Axum at its center surrounded by the thirteen principal provinces: Tembein, Shire, Seraye, Hamasen, Bur, Sama, Agame, Amba Senait, Geralta, enderta, Sahart and Abergele”
በተመሳሳይ ሁኔታም The World through Maps: A History of Cartography (ገጽ 352 ይመልከቱ)፡፡ በJohn R. Short የተጻፈው የዓለም ጂኦግራፊን የሚተርከው መጽሓፍ በ15ኛው ክፍለዘመን የነበሩ የትግራይ ግዛቶች ከላይ የተጠቀሱት መሆናቸውን መጽሓፈ አክሱምን በመጥቀስ ያስረዳል:: ይህም መጽሓፍ በተመሳሳይ መልኩ የሚነግረን፣ ወልቃይትና ጠገዴ በፍጹም የትግራይ አካል አንዳልነበሩ ነው::
“the area concerned (welkait -Tsegede) separated from Tigray by impressive natural barrier of Setit Tekezze river has never been governed as part of Tigray at any period in the past, but has come under Gonder and Semein.” (Christopher Clapham: Transformation and continuity in revolutionary Ethiopia (Cambridge: Cambridge university press 1988 pp 259)
ማስረጃ : መጽሓፈ አክሱም , Ethiopia: the Land, Its People, History and Culture By Yohannes Mekonnen. The World through Maps: A History of Cartography (ገጽ 352 ይመልከቱ) By John R. Short
2. 1634 ዓ.ም የተጻፈው የ እማኑኤል በሬዳ መጽሓፍ Tractatus tres historico-geographici (1634): A seventeenth century historical and geographical account of Tigray, Ethiopia (Aethiopistische Forschungen) 1634» እንደሚያስረዳው የትግራይ ወሰን ተከዜ እንጂ ተከዜን ተሻግረው ያሉት ወልቃይትና ጠገዴ አይደሉም
3. በዘመነ መሳፍንት ኢትዮጵያን ጎብኝቶ የነበረው የጀምስ ብሩስ መጽሓፍም በግልጽ የሚናገረው የትግራይ ወሰን ተከዜ እንጂተከዜን ተሻግረው ያሉት ወልቃይትና ጠገዴ አይደሉም፡፡ Travel to discover source of the Nile Volume 3 page 582
“the area concerned ( welkait -Tsegede) separated from Tigray by impressive natural barrier of Setit Tekezze river has never been governed as part of Tigray at any period in the past, but has come under Gonder and Semein.
5. Tractatus tres historico-geographici (1634): A seventeenth century historical and geographical account of Tigray, Ethiopia (Aethiopistische Forschungen) 1634
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