Saturday, December 7, 2013

“ታህሳስ 5 ከሰአት በኋላ ለመገደል ፈርሜአለሁ”

(ዶ/ር ካሳሁን በጋሻው)
euthanasiaDecember 6, 2013 

ታህሳስ 5 ከሰአት በኋላ ለመገደል ፈርሜአለሁ ገጽ 410 ይላል የስደተኛው ማስታወሻ፤ አቶ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ “ጓደኛዬ” የሚለው ሆላንዳዊ ስለያዘው የሞት ቀጠሮ ሲያብራራ፤-
ለሚቀጥለው … ማስታዉሻ መጽሀፉ ይረዳው ዘንድ ሆላንድ ውስጥ የሞት ቀጠሮ እንዴት እንደሚያዝ ከዚህ በታች አብራራለሁ፤ ከዚያ በፊት ግን ስለ ስደተኛው ማስታወሻ የምለው ከዚህ የሚከተለውን ነው፤ ጫልቱ ብሎ የሰየማትን ተዋናይ እዛው የቡርቃ ዝማታው ላይ ቢከታት ኖር ገጸ ባህርይዋ ከዛ ጋር ይሰምርለት ነበር፡፡ ነገር ግን ከአለቆቹ የደረሰው ትእዛዝ አማራና ኦሮሞን ማፋጀት የኢትዮጵያን ስማ ማጥፋት በመሆኑ የግድ መካተት ነበረባት፤ በጎሳ እምነት የተለከፉ ሰዎች አመለካከታቸው ወደሌላ ሰውነት እንደተሰራጨ ካንሰር ነው፤ ቢነግሩአቸው ቢያስረዷቸው አይጠሩም፤ የተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ተማሪዎች በቀደም ሳውዲ አረቢያን ተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ላይ በእንግሊዝኛ  “እኛ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለንም ሳውድ አረቢያ ሴቶቻችንን መድፈር አቁሚ፤ ወንዶቹን መግረፍ አቁሚ” እያሉ መፈክር ይዘው ሳይ ምን ያህል እንደዘቀጥን እነ ተስፋዬም የደከሙበት ፍሬ ማፍራቱን ሳይ አዘንኩ፤ ምን ለማለት ፈልገው እንደሆነም ግልጽ አይደለም “ኢትዮጵያውያንን አሰቃዩ እኛን ደርባቹህ የምታሰቃዩን ኢትዮጵያዊ መስለናችሁ ነው ለማለት ነው?” ማንስ ቢሆን ለምን ይሰቃያል? ተስፋዬና አለቆቹ ግዜው ሲደርስ በዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ለፍርድ ሊቀርቡ የሚገባቸው ሰዎች ናቸው፤
ወደ ተነሳሁበት ልመለስና ለመግደል የሚፈረመው እንዴት ነው? ተስፋዬና አለቆቹ የሚቃወማቸውን ሁሉ ያለተከላካይ ስለሚያጠፉ የሰው ሕይወት ዋጋ ግንዛቤውም ስለሌላቸው ሌላውም አገር እንዲሁ ይመስላቸዋል፤ “ዐይን አላቸው አያዩም ጆሮ አላቸው አይሰሙም”
በሕክምና በሕጋዊ መንገድ መሞት፤
ይህ ድርጊት በአብዛኛው አገሮች እንደ ወንጀል የሚታይ ሆላንድ ውስጥ ግን በሕጋዊ መንገድ የሚካሄድ አሰራር ነው፤ በጣም ከባድና አነጋጋሪም ነው፤ እኛ ማነንና ነው የሰው ሕይወት የምናጠፋው ወይም ለመሞት ፈቃድ የምንሰጠው? በሽተኛው መረዳት ካልተቻለና ብዙ የሚሰቃይ ከሆነ ከስቃዩ ማላቀቅ ወንጀል ነው ወይ? እራሱን የቻለ ከሁለት ክፉ ምርጫዎች (dilemma) አንዱን መቀበል ነው። ይህ የሕክምናስ ስነምግባር (medical ethics) ነው ወይ? ሐኪም ሊያድን እንጂ ሊገል ነው ወይ የተማረው የመሳሰሉት እርስ በርስ የሚቃረኑ ሀሳቦች ጉዳዩን ያወሳስቡታል፡፡
ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ሆን ተብሎ ጎሳዎችን ለማጋጨት በታቀደ አሰራር ውስጥ ለፖለቲካ ግብ እንዲመች እራሱን የቻለ ቅደም ተከተል ያለው ኢትዮጵያን ለማፍረስ አንድነትን ለማናጋት በሚከናወን አጀንዳ ስር ነው የተለያዩ ፍሬ ከርስኪ አጀንዳዎቹን የሚያቀርብልን። ከዚያ መሃል ግን ሃላፊነት በጎደለው መልኩ ያላየውን አየሁ ያልሰማውን ሰማሁ ብሎ ይተርካል፡፡
እኔ የዚህ ጽሁፍ ጸሐፊ የሞት ቀጠሮ ተብሎ የሰፈረው ታሪክ እንደ መጽሀፉ አብዛኛው ክፍል በጫት ምርቃና ላይ ተመርኩዞ የተደረገ እንጂ እሱ ባለው መሰረት አለመሆኑን ከዚህ በታች አስረዳለሁ፡፡
በእንደዚህ አይነት መንገድ በሐኪም እርዳት ለመሞት የፈለገ በሽተኛ በቅድሚያ በሕክምና መዳን የማይችል በሽታ እንደያዘው መረጋገጥ አለበት፤ እነዚህ በሽተኞች አብዛኞቹ የካንሰር በሽተኞች ሲሆኑ የተያዙበት ካንሰር ወደ ተለያዩ የሰውነት ክፍሎች በመሰራጨቱ ምክንያት በቀዶ ጥገና “በኪሞ ቴራፒ” በጨረር ሕክምና ሊረዳ እንደማይችል የተረጋገጠ ነው።
  1. በዚህ ደረጃ ላይ የሚገኙ በሽተኞች ከፍተኛ የሕመመ ማስታገሻ “ሞርፊን” እያገኙ ሕመሙን ማስታገስ ይከብዳል፤ ምግብ መመገብ አቁመዋል፤ የሚወስዱት ፈሳሽ በጣም አነስተኛ ነው፤ ስለማይመገቡም ሰውነታቸው አልቆ አጽማቸው ነው የቀረው፤ ስዕላዊ ግንዛቤ እንዲኖራቸሁ በድርቅ ግዜ የሚታየው አይነት ክሳት አብዛኞቹ ላይ ይታያል፤
  2. ምንም እርምጃ ባይወሰድ እነዚህ በሽተኞች በሳምንት ግዜ ውስጥ በራሳቸው ይሞታሉ፤
ልብ አድርጉ እንግዴህ ለሞት ቀጠሮ የያዘው የተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ጓደኛ አትክልቱን ሲኮተኩት ነበር፤ ልክ አማራና ኦሮሞ እያለ ሃላፊነት የጎደለው መዘላበዱን እንደለመደው እዚህም የሚያጣራ አይኖርም በሚል ነጭ ውሸቱን ያስፋፋል፡፡
ወደ ዋናው አርእስት ልመለስና ሕይወቱ በሕክምና ባለሙያ እንዲጠናቀቅለት የሚፈልገው በሽተኛና ቤተሰቦቹ ለበሽተኛው ዶክተር ፍላጎታቸውን ያሳውቃሉ፡
  • ዶክተሩ በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ጥያቄው ተገቢ መሆኑን ይመረምራል፤ በሽተኛው መዳን አይችልም ወይ? ማድረግ የሚገባን ያላደረግነው ነገር አለ ወይ? ስቃዩን ለመቀነስ የሚደረግለት እንክብካቤ በቂ ነው ወይ? ይከታተሉት የነበሩት ሰፔሻሊስቶች ማድረግ የሚችሉትን ሁሉ አድርገውለታል ወይ? ምንም ባናደርግስ ምን ያህል ግዜ በሕይወት ይቆያል? ለሚሉት ጥያቄዎች መልሱ ጥያቄው ተገቢ ነው የሚለው ድምዳሜ ላይ ከደረሰ፤ ጥያቄውን ለሌላ (independent) ነጻ የሆነ ዶክተር ያቀርባል፤
  • ይህ ነጻ ዶክተር ጋባዡን ዶክተር እና በሽተኛውን የማያውቅ ዶክተር ነው ይህም ስራውን ነጻ ሆኖ ያለአድልኦ እንዲፈርድ ይረዳዋል፤ የበሽተኛውን የሕክምና ዶኩመነቶች ያጠናል፤ እስካሁን መደረግ የሚገባው ሕክምና መደረጉን ያረጋግጣል፤ ያን ካደረገ በኋላ ወደ በሽተኛው በመሄድ የጥያቄውን ተገቢነት ያረጋግጣል፤ ጥያቄው ተገቢና ህግ የተከተለ ነው ብሎ ካመነ ማጠቃለያ ሪፖርት ጽፎ ጥያቄውን ላቀረበው ዶክተር ተቃውሞ እንደሌለው ያሳውቃል፤ መዘነጋት የሌለበት በሽተኛው ጥያቄውን በፈለገው ግዜ ማንሳት ይችላል፤
  • ዶክተሩ ከነጻ ዶክተሩ ሪፖርቱን ካገኘ በኋላ በአካባቢው ከሚገኘው ፋርማሲ ጋር በመመካከር ለዚሁ የሚረዳውን መድሃኒት ያዛል፤ መድሃኒቶቹም ሁለት ሲሆኑ የመጀመሪያው በሽተኛውን ጥልቅ እንቅልፍ ውስጥ ይከተዋል ከዛ በኋላ የሚደረገውን በሽተኛው አይሰማውም፤ ከተኛ በኋላ የልብና የሳምባ ስራውን የሚያስቆመው መድሃኒት ይወጋል በሽተኛውም ይሞታል ማለት ነው፤ የዶክተሩ ስራ ገና አልተጠናቀቀም፤ በሽተኛው መሞቱን ካረጋገጠ በኋላ ለተረኛ ፖሊስ ዶክተር ደውሎ ሕጋዊ በሆነ መንገድ የሰው ሕይወት ማጥፋቱን ጠቁሞ በህጋዊ መንገድ እንደተካሄደ መጥቶ እንዲመረምርለት ያሳውቃል ከዚያም ቤተሰብን እግዜር ያጽና ሙት ነፍስ ይማር ብሎ ይለያያል፤
  • የፖሊስ ዶክተሩ ሀኪሙ ትቶለት የሄደውን ሪፖርቶች ያነባል፤ ነጻ ዶክተሩ የሰጠውን ሪፖርት ያነባል፤ ለበሽተኛው ለመሞት የተሰጡትን መድሃኒት ብልቃጦችን ከመረመረ በኋላ ሬሳውን በቅጡ መርመሮ ቤተሰብን ካበረታታ በኋላ የራሱን ግምገማ ለፍርድ ሚኒስቴር ያቀርባል፤ ይህ በተካሄደ በስድስት ሳምንት ግዜ ውስጥ የመሞቻ መርፌውን ለወጋው ዶክተር ህጉን ተከትሎ መስራቱንና ከተጠያቂነት ነጻ የሚያደርገውን ወረቀት ከፍርድ ሚኒስቴር ያገኛል፤ ቅደም ተከተሉ ላይ ከሕግ ውጪ የተደረጉ ነገሮች ካሉ ደግሞ በሕግ ይጠየቃል ማለት ነው፤
ማጠቃለያ፦ የሰው ሕይወት በቀላሉ በቀጠሮና በፊርማ የሚያጠፉት የተስፋዬ አለቆች እንጂ አትክልቱን የሚኮተኩት ሕይወት ስለሰለቸው ብቻ የሚገደል ሰው የለም፤ አቶ ተስፋዬም አብረው ለዘመናት የኖሩትን ሕዝቦች እርስ በርስ ከማፋጀት የጽሁፍ ቸሎታውን ለማስማማት፤ ለማፋቀር ቢጠቀምበት የሰራውን ይህ ነው የማይባል ወንጀል ለማካካስ ይረዳው ይሆናል።
ከጓልጉል የተወሰደ

Friday, December 6, 2013

TPLF & Sudan reap the bounty: What has Ethiopia got from the latest round Khartoum deal?

December 6, 2013
by Keffyalew Gebremedhin – The Ethiopia Observatory
To the best of my understanding – at this point for the first time – Egypt concedes that Sudanese President is backing Ethiopia’s Blue Nile dam. This admission comes, as it does, espeially ahead of the tripartite Nile talks to be held in days time in Cairo, according to journalist Ahmed Eleiba who writes on today’s Ahram Online – Egypt’s state-owned national newspaper.

At the same time, quoting Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti, journalist Mohammed Amin from Khartoum wrote on the December 3, 2013 issue of Africa Review that Ethiopia and the Sudan have agreed to resolve all their outstanding border disputes.
Mention should also be made that in its webpage whereas the Ethiopian foreign ministryrefers to the work of the joint ministerial meeting of December 4, 2013 with the Sudan and the 13 agreements to be signed, it becomes oblivious to border demarcation. Nonetheless, in pinpointing the purpose of such undertaking with the Sudan and highlighting the purpose of the security agreement between the two countries, Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom has thus stated, “The Political Committee has assessed the commendable results in strengthening and expanding our cooperation in peace and security, justice, federal matters and exchange of information. The activities of the Joint Military Committee organizing patrols and exchanges of information along our borders have enabled us to minimize destabilizing and terrorist activities significantly by anti-peace elements.”
As a matter of fact, neither has Addis Abeba’s sudden burst of energy, which climaxed with the signing of 14 bilateral agreements with the Sudan on Wednesday, December 4, 2013, escaped Khartoum AFP correspondent Ian Timberlake’s attention. In the context of his reporting on the inauguration of 321-km power line between Sudan’s Gedaref power station and Ethiopia’s Amhara regional state, he reads into these the fact that “Ethiopia wants to appeal and neutralize the Sudan over the dam”.
Elsewhere, it is reported that Addis Abeba has resumed talks interrupted last year with the armed Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), possibly with Kenyan intermediary and pressure from some Western governments – presumed to be the United States. This and also preparations for celebration of Ethiopia’s much-lampooned “Nations and Nationalities Day” has evoked the highest frequency complaints by the population from within this Ethiopian region in years now. As ONLF spokesperson told ESAT only on Wednesday, it is because of curfews unregulated by law, massive security envelope of the region and imprisonments of hundreds of youth in the region – in short the martial law state they have been subjected to.
This past Monday, December 2, 2013, we also heard about the TPLF regime approaching the armed Ginbot 7 movement, which operates from Eritrea to engage in peace talks. For the good or ill of the country, this surprising move does not seem to be taken seriously either by the movement or several Ethiopian analysts. After three contacts by the regime within two months, Ginbot 7 reacted by issuing a statement, which set conditions for the talks. Among others, this especially demanded the release of the known and unknown political prisoners – including those in unknown prisons – as the regime’s evidence of its seriousness about the said peace talks.
Is all this sign of policy change in Ethiopia, or déjà vu all over again in times of distress?
Key to understanding what these different strands of state actions, the first prerequisite is the need for and possibility of clearly understanding of the nature and behavior of the TPLF regime in Addis Abeba. Whenever it is in trouble, it has been known to be putting everything on fire sale. Its aim is to merely jump as quickly as possible to safer ground. The past two decades of its stewardship of Ethiopia has shown that the regime lacks any concerns or dilemma about long-term implications of basically its short-term orientated actions, as the following selected instances prove.
In 1989, the TPLF reached agreement with Eritrea’s Popular Liberation Front (EPLF) on handing over Assab to Eritrea. By this decision, Meles Zenawi singlehandedly reduced Ethiopia from a historical country with two ports to status of being landlocked. This was notwithstanding the grave reservations of the United States, according to the peace-broker between the two countries – Herman Cohn of the US State Department. The motive of the TPLF was to buy the goodwill of Eritrea’s EPLF to leave it alone. They being of graduates of the same school, giving more only accentuated EPLF’s desire for more, which eventually led to the 1998-2000 war between the two most poverty-stricken states of the planet.
Most recently, this has also been corroborated in an interview on SBS by the first Prime Minister under the TPLF Tamrat Layne.
The sale does not end there
Like the Port of Assab that Meles awarded Eritrea, huge chunks of lush agricultural lands in Amhara region have been passed on to the Sudan step by step. Work on this started on the morrow of the bloody post-2005 election. Ever since, it has polarized Ethiopian society and is amongst the primary causes for derailment of the aspirations of the Ethiopian people for freedom and a democratic future, the first response of the regime was to enter into agreement with the Sudan, renouncing in 2008 the century-old territorial dispute between Addis Abeba and Khartoum.
I believe that most Ethiopian must recall that on 26 June 2007, the then Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin confirmed completion of the work of the Ethio-Sudan Boundary Committee. To some of us, it came as surprise how they resolved the dispute, especially Ethiopia’s historical claim to the territory for 101 years at that point. Aware of the implications and deceits thereon the Foreign Minister turned into diplomatique-esque obfuscation, declaring:
…The significant achievements registered in a short period of time were sources of inspiration to redouble joint efforts … The completion of the Metema-Galabat-Gadarif road and the micro-wave link project as well as Ethiopia’s access to Port Sudan have paved the ground for enhanced cooperation between the two sisterly countries … The efforts made by the two sides to fully implement the agreements concluded during the Sixth Joint Ministerial Commission meeting regarding air transport, civil aviation and port utilization were encouraging. The joint Technical Boundary Committee has finalized the project proposal for the re-demarcation [sic] of the long common boundary, [which is] extremely critical for putting Ethio-Sudanese relations on a firm and dependable basis … (Emphasis added).
But the reality was that the TPLF was selling the disputed lands to the Sudan, in return for peace on the common border, to which the Sudan has held its pledge. Therefore, on May 26, 2006 – a year and eleven days after that fateful 2005 election in Ethiopia – Sudanese Envoy to Ethiopia Ambassador Ambassador Abu Zeid told ENA:”
Ethiopia and Sudan have made boundary an issue of development and cooperation rather than of conflict. Sudan has about 10 [sic] neighbouring countries, but the way it manages its boundary issues with Ethiopia is exemplary to other African countries. The boundary of Ethiopia and Sudan is actually demarcated, yet the actual work on the ground remains a homework to both countries only because it is beyond their financial capacity.
This “border issue” has gone through a lot of transmutations – border demarcation, also erroneously referred to as “rem-demarcation”, territorial surrender – all this because of political deception. Obviously due to the nature of the dispute involving lands, it involves territorial adjustments. The tragedy is that this is not done in keeping with Ethiopia’s interests.
At the time, two things betrayed what was underlying this TPLF plan. The first is the implausible denial in a national statement by the foreign ministry. It blatantly claimed that there was any border demarcation or territorial give away. Secondly, when the pressure started building in the country and in the diaspora, Meles made a statement in parliament confirming that problems left by colonial arrangements were being corrected, HERE COMES HIS EDITING, “without giving Ethiopian lands to the Sudan.”
The ultimate motive of all this was made public by Sebhat Nega in March 2007 during his visit to North America, when he spoke to the TPLF foreign-based shadow cabinet – TPLF member Tigrians. This he needed to do to mobilize the TPLF members in support of the TPLF action involving ceding national territory to a foreign country.
Ato Sebhat explained to the TPLF constituency in North America that the regime would remain intact “as long as the Sudan did not now allow its territory to be used” by anti-TPLF armed groups. The former TPLF leader went even further in stressing explicitly “the TPLF would do everything to maintain good relations with the Sudan in order to prevent opposition forces from obtaining bases in that country.”
While the borders between Sudan and Ethiopia have remained all along undemarcated – despite mistaken claims by Ambassador Abu Zeid – it was drawn by the British and Italian colonisers in 1908 – while remaining undemarcated.
Consequently, so far the only self-interested in the matter directly, but on the whole patriotic, resistance to the take over of Ethiopian territory by the Sudan has come from ordinary farmers. They have been subjected to attacks by Sudanese forces. The TPLF military that masquerades as the national defense force of Ethiopia either stood on the side or at times joined the Sudanese in subduing the Ethiopian farmers. When the story broke out on the media, the TPLF regime publicly denied.
Most of these patriotic citizens have this long refused to move out, even after Meles had the first agreement signed. Over the years, several Sudanese raids have taken place against Ethiopian farmers. The latest such raid was in mid-2012.
Therefore, it is now expected that Ethiopia would force its farming population out of the disputed areas (using force, as usual) to demarcate the frontier between the two countries. In the months to come, we would experience as a nation a lot of this, since our country has distinguished itself as specialist in heartlessly pushing and dislocating its citizens!
As far as the TPLF is concerned, it has proved its credentials as an agent of its own constantly repeating history, every time crisis hovers over its horizon!
This week, we have been informed through the foreign media – not Ethiopia’s media nor Ethiopian officials- that with the Sudanese Foreign Minister announced, beaming with smile, “Sudan and Ethiopia have ended the border disagreement on ‘Fashaga’ area,” according to Africa Review.
In Khartoum, Prime Minister Hailemariam and Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom have signed 14 bilateral agreements, pertaining to issues between their countries such as “ensuring peace” along the common border, Ethiopia’s Blue Nile Dam, energy deals, trade and commerce, and also “coordination of positions regarding regional and international issues”, etc.
From Khartoum, Ian Timberlake singled out the 100MW power Sudan would buy from Ethiopia, on which he said Ethiopia hopes “to strengthen Khartoum-Addis Ababa ties as tensions persist with Egypt over a giant dam.” He quotes a Sudanese political scientist Safwat Fanous, who sees the electricity agreement neutralizing the Sudan over the dam Cairo fears could diminish its water supply.
At the airport in Khartoum
At the airport in Khartoum
As mentioned above, Egypt also admitted for the first time today that, after this Ethiopia-Sudan agreement, the Sudan is backing the Ethiopian Great Renaissance Dam (GERD). Perhaps Egypt did not mean to speak in prose with the switch being in Ethiopia’s hands. Sudan too has interest in finding peace, with Ethiopia as broker for many of its internal problems. Nonetheless, the paper quotes President Al-Beshir confirming on the occasion his take on the deal saying, “Backing the dam project is not a political stance, but rather a belief in its benefits for all Nile Basin states.”
This comes on the heel of the talks between the water ministers of Egypt and the Sudan in Khartoum days ago, which has not yielded any agreement or signaled any change of positions, or not stated if there were any.
Peace at any price?
Peace is good and it must be the goal of every society, every government and every generation. Nevertheless, not all peace are the same or of equal value. There is peace with honor and peace at any price.
Today, once again Ethiopians are being compelled to be reminded their their sovereignty and national territorial integrity have become bargaining chip for those that have the goal of ruling the country for the coming millennium. Depressing as it is, for sure many Ethiopians would because of this once agains reflect on the peace at any cost their leaders have agreed on, which would be shoved down their throats. For the TPLF, this peace is essential to secure its continuation in power.
Therefore, in the past few weeks it has intensified its engagement in arbitrages of all sorts. In economics, arbitrage refers to profit-making by arbitrageurs (its practitioners), who are in the business of making “risk-free” money. Their job is to take advantage of price differences between different markets and move commodities, currencies and derivatives between markets and countries. Its practitioners love it for its seemingly risk-free possibilities; this is true only when one considers arbitraging with distorted lenses.
In modern economics, besides theory, sufficient lessons have been learnt from a huge disaster that befell Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) in the United States in 1998. LTCM tried its hands to make money on the price differences between different bonds. The hard way – loss of $4.6 billion in no time – LTCM learned through its demise that not everything is for sale or arbitraging.
In the history of foreign policy or international relations, this has come with slight variation and is known as appeasement. The name most name that is associated with this “peace at any price” is that of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. In the years between 1937 and 1939, the prime minister wanted peace with Nazi Germany. This required him to appease Nazi Germany’s huge appetite for grandeur. Germany’s hunger started with race purity and acquisition of territories of other nations and peoples. Once it saw that gains could be made from this, Germany could not find the brake to stop this, because of which it continued, until the devastation caused the devastations of the Second World War and the losses of 60 million lives.
Thus “peace at any price” is not a free lunch. To those who have capacity to learn, it has left huge lesson that any attempt to secure peace between peoples and countries must satisfactorily answer the question “peace at what price?”
Peace amongst neighbors in the Horn of Africa, as being fashioned now by the TPLF – with Ethiopia at its center as the country with the largest population, biggest army after South Africa and Nigeria and the blessings of a state system that has been around for over 3,000 years – is increasingly becoming repression at home!

Response to Meles Zenawi’s Long Letters

December 6, 2013
Editors Note:
The prime TPLF website Aigaforum republished the long letters to the editor written by Meles Zenawi in order to spare him of Mrs Ana Gomez’e absolutely correct evaluation of him recently. Mrs. Anna Gomez, who recently travelled to Addis Ababa has given interviews to local news papers where she described the now diseased Prime Minister as a brute and crooked person.  Just in case Aiga has forgotten here under is an analytical response to Meles’s Letters to the editor by Fekade Shewakena at the time that exposed the many lies in Meles’s long letter. We hope it will be an interesting reminder to the folks at Aiga and their tribal minions that we haven’t forgotten. Read.
From Stealing the Election to Stealing the truth
Quick observations of Meles Zenawi’s letter on the EU-EOM Report
By Fekade Shewakena
I know many Ethiopians who recoiled in disbelief and shame when the Head of the EU-EOM, Mrs. Anna Gomez, was accused of taking financial bribe from the opposition and maligned together with Mr. Tim Clark, head of the EU delegation in Ethiopia, on the government daily, the Ethiopian Herald, prior to the issuance of the 10-page Preliminary Report.  Decent Ethiopians felt ashamed because they have every reason to suspect that the article of blackmail printed on the Ethiopian Herald is the work of senior officials of the EPRDF (the PM being a prime suspect) written under a pseudonym, as the paper routinely screens authors of opinions on issues as high profile and sensitive as this one.  It is now clear that was an apparent preemptive strike, conceived out of fear that the truth about widespread electoral malpractice of the EPRDF was on its way to be exposed for the world.
Now as the truth about this fraudulent election begins to sink in, and is laid bare for the world to see, it appears EPRDF’s officialdom is becoming more desperate and berserk than we even imagined. The desperation has now reached its peak with the PM’s personal letter of distortions, outright lies and less than diplomatic language used to respond to the EU-EOM Report and the shameless name calling of Mrs. Anna Gomez, the head of the Mission.  This time, the PM seems to have set out not only to steal the election, but the truth too. The only thing the prime minister does not do on his letter is establishing a motive for the EU-EOM to lie in favor of the opposition.  It now appears that the bribe theory was floated during the period of the preemptive strike for this purpose.  The Prime Minister, deep inside him, knows the operations that have been carried out to steal the election once it was found out on Election Day that the results were trending in favor of opposition.  The PM’s long diatribe and tantrums are therefore nothing more than an attempt to create reasonable doubt by pulling every conceivable technique of distortion and lie making.  Whether this technique of throwing tantrums and babyish techniques would yield the expected results of mild retribution and continued political aid from the West remain to be seen, but it is hard to doubt that this is the goal the PM is aiming at.
The Outline and Strategy of the PM’s letter:
The amazing long letter of the PM, which many believe may have broken world record, by being the longest letter to the editor on any newspaper, is 13,248 words long of which 1.439 words, more than 10%, come from direct quotations from the EU-EOM Report itself. There are 19 direct quotations, an average of 2 quotations per page without including the rephrases. The EU-EOM Preliminary Report may also be a record case for being the only 10-page document that has ever been quoted to death.  Mind you, this is not the full and detailed report that may perhaps span into over a hundred pages. I am afraid the PM would have had to write a book with the current pace had he waited for the final report.  Perhaps more importantly, the letter also provides a rare window into the operation of the mind of a dictator suffocated with arrogance and hubris and unmitigated greed for power.  It is an exhibition of unbelievable certitude and self-righteousness for a person who has been caught red handed while making daylight robbery. How, at least, the loss of every vote in entire Addis Ababa, the capital city, the seat of his government, can’t even give him a humbling experience is beyond reason.
In any case, the PM seems to follow a systematic strategy when he set out to write the letter.  The first thing he did was to disaggregate the EU Report and put it onto four plates.  Parts of the Report that seem to favor his position are put on his side of the plate.   The parts of the report that expose the excesses and fraudulence of his regime are put on the “ridicule and attack” plate. The third, some of the distortable items that could be made to read outside context are put separately on Tina Turner’s tray, the “what’s this got to do with it” category.   In some cases, where the reported incidents are uncontestable, they are duly admitted and put on the “so what, even big democracies make electoral mistakes” plate.  The letter is characterized by amalgams of cheap shots, unbelievable insinuations, and laughable assertions and easy to discover lies. This is the fantastic scheme, the outline, if you will, of the PM’s letter.
The Garbage Dump and the search for edible items:
PM Melese’s letter has a bad stench that begin from its head, not because it talks about garbage and garbage dumps, but because it begins from the smell of an elementary logic that died on arrival.  Elementary logic has it that if a given statement contains both False and true constructs, it be wholly treated as a false and thrown out that way altogether.  It is therefore one thing to dismiss the entire EU report as “garbage” as the PM and his acolytes tell us it is, it is altogether another to go in the garbage dump to scrape for edible items in it.   PM Meles, in the cleverest of his cleverness chose the unthinkable. He carried the whole garbage dump home to scavenge for edible items.  Accordingly, the first thing he set out to do was to surgically scrape out the things he considers good and edible on his side of the tray, no matter how that smells.   The findings of his hard labor of digging and scavenging from the garbage dump are summarized in the following words:
the statement has some big, really big, lumps of truth in it, and it is relatively easy to remove the garbage that has covered those lumps of truth. While I was expecting a huge garbage damp (sic) all I got was newly started garbage damp (dump?) that was unable to bury the truth. The letter cannot but therefore start by identifying and highlighting the lumps of truth in the statement. (Emphasis Mine)
Once the scavenging for edible items, the so-called truths is finished, the next step on the strategy of Mr. Zenawi is to employ the technique of the little hungry baby.  Yes, the little baby’s technique known in Amharic as “bilt lij eyebela yaleksal”, (roughly translates as “a clever baby cries demanding more food while chewing what he already has).  The honorable PM is chewing and crying at the same time.
The tactic of let’s be judged by the Mechanics of the election alone:
Mr. Zenawi wants this election to be judged by the mechanics of it rather then the whole process of counting the votes and outside the context of the reign of terror that took place throughout the election and investigation process.  The surprising reasoning he employed is that you can’t say good things about the election infrastructure and the mechanisms and conclude that the election result is not trustworthy or fraudulent. The inclusion of other substantive factors into the judgment process is considered making a contradiction.  If you, for example, say PM Meles is a bald man, it would be a contradiction to talk about the remaining hair on his head. You will be accused of making contradictory statements and “laughed out of town”.
PM Meles quoted nearly everything the EU Report considers positive attributes of the election process – that there is a “complex system to address complaints”, that there exists aMechanism to sort out disputes between political parties”, that the CIP worked in accordance with the terms of reference in at least the observed localities, etc.   The honorable PM has successfully cleaned the garbage dump of virtually every edible item.  The items he thinks good for his case are quoted without a single drop of a word and coma. The sickeningly too many “sic”s are also provided to help us avoid any confusion that may arise due to syntax and grammatical errors.  Phrases like “in many occasions” are to be read as “on many occasions” to help us avoid confusion.  When you are out to defend the truth you found out by toiling in a large dump, you need to clean it neat and be error free, you see.
For example he quotes the following statements from the EU Report and gloats over it.

 EPRDF evidence was better substantiated; their CIPs representatives were better prepared and their witnesses (often members of the local administration) more impressive.”

And boldly, perhaps also proudly, asserts – “No wonder the EPRDF won most of the cases”.
The thing Meles forgot to note or failed to pick from the garbage dump while scavenging for the above quote, however, is that somewhere toward the beginning, the Report also says the following:
the complaint investigation process took place in the context of serious violations of human rights and freedoms, namely of opposition leaders and suspected supporters” and another damning statement which says, “ de facto there was no playing field
The possibility that the opposition could have come out with more impressive witnesses and evidence had there been no serious widespread rights violations is not even a consideration in his mind. No, actually to him, there were no human rights violations. After all, the people that were being herded in jumbo prisons or killed and maimed in the streets in mass are “unemployed youth” who have brought it upon themselves by trying to rob banks.  Never mind about these intimidating reasons as to why the opposition was unable to present its case.  Being better organized with more resources including taxpayer resources puts you in a better position to claim the truth.
Sometimes scavengers feeding on garbage dumps make a mistake of confusing the edible from the inedible.  In at least one case, Meles says he agrees with the EU assessment and in effect tries to give us an implication that the EU Report said the mechanism worked good and served a positive purpose for this investigation.  This is a lie. Here is what he says

I would fully agree with the EU-EOM on this. The mechanism that was set up to investigate complaints with the agreement of all concerned parties was indeed a very good mechanism that provided for a peaceful solution to the disputes with respect to the elections. It was the appropriate mechanism for an environment that the EU-EOM characterizes as tense. The system designed for previous elections could not work in the new environment of tension, and a new system that can work in such an environment had to be designed with the agreement of all the concerned parties.
There are two disingenuous insinuations by the PM in here.
(i)                   The Report says the mechanism is a positive development that needs improvement for future use taking stalks of lessons from the practices this time.   In plain English this means the report does not say the mechanism has succeeded in solving the substantive problem with regard to vote counting and adjudication of contentions between the parties in this election.
(ii)                 The insinuation that the so called new system was designed with the agreement of all concerned parties is dishonest as the opposition was made to agree after a lot of arm-twisting by the international community, particularly donor embassies in Addis Ababa, and after a lot of intimidation and harassment on the leadership of the opposition and their supporters. This is a case of flat out dishonesty that exceeds even conventionally accepted boundaries of lies that politicians are often tolerated to make. We know for fact that the opposition entered into the election after Mr. PM said changing personnel at the Election Board would be done over his dead body. Early on, the opposition has told us that they would enter into the election, not because of the existence of laws and institutions that guarantee the election’s fairness, but trusting the Ethiopian people who are dying to see change.
The Tactic of Surgical Quotations:
PM Meles’s advisors or the people who taught him how to do literary criticism have obviously not taught him a simple thing – the smaller the size of the document subjected for criticism, the better it is not to make many quotations.  The EU Document, unlike a book or an analytic paper, is a summary of a much larger and detailed report yet to be published.   In such cases, making surgical quotations cannot mean anything unless you see it inside the whole.   Here is an excellent example of this case where the PM did a very disingenuous job of leaving out a statement immediately preceding his quote. He quotes:

Tension was exacerbated by the fact that, since polling day public demonstrations were banned and media openness ceased, with the official media back under tight control and spinning (sic) of the ruling party and opposition parties denied access to them. Also journalists were intimidated and arrested. The government, in the meantime, rejected (sic) to agree on a code of conduct for the free and responsible operation of the media. The governmental control of state media compromises (sic) the credibility of electoral process since May 15….”
After quoting this statement Meles asks the EU Mission Tina’s question and also gives her the answer.
So what has the ban of demonstrations got to do with the investigation? Nothing!”
But Oopse! He left out the sentence immediately preceding the quote, which would have answered Tina’s question in the affirmative. Put the following right in front of the preceding quote:

The Context of the complaints investigation was marked by an ongoing high tension in the country, and stalemate between the government party and the opposition. This was aggravated by the handling of the June disturbances by government forces in violation of human rights and citizens rights enshrined in the Ethiopian constitution.
Tension was exacerbated by the fact that.……………….
You see, Tina was not asking about the ban of demonstrations alone. She wouldn’t have any question if she was given the full information or if at all she asks she would have formulated her question as follows.
“What has the ongoing high tension in the country, the violation of human rights of citizens, the handling of the Jun protests by the EPRDF and the ban on demonstration got to do with the investigation process?”
The proper answer for Tina’s question would then be that people fear to testify at the CIP’s for the opposition even if they know the truth while the EPRDF is wildly shooting at opponents, knocking doors in the middle of the night and mass-detaining and torturing citizens in Ziway and Sendafa jumbo prisons and, of course, banning demonstrations for anyone to express any opposition or raise questions. You see my dear Tina, the potential witnesses are not dogs you see, they fear for their lives.  Tina would have no problem understanding that few would dare to involve themselves in testifying for the opposition under these circumstances and while they hear wailing mothers on the voice of America and Radio Douche Wale and seeing pictures of dead bodies strewn all over the verandas of hospitals.
It should also be pointed out to Mr. Prime Minister that Anna Gomez and the EU-Mission are not alone in assessing this horrible investigation environment.  Did you see the actual footage on an Australian Television, where that Anna Gomez looking like Aussie, Olivia Rousset, recorded real pictures at an investigation site somewhere in the rift valley? (see both footage and transcript here)
Meet the young lady, Fasika, an opposition witness, who tells Olivia and the world “ they(your cadres) warn us by staring at us”.  Or listen to Tesfaye’s father Mr. Adana.   Have you heard of Tesfaye Adana, the MP elect your people killed in Arsi Negele in cold blood?  Listen to his father crying:
“One innocent child is shot by a gang of six policemen. After shooting him they gutted him like an animal and kicked him and kicked him until his guts fell out. How can one be punished for participating in an election?  …….. Because of the inhuman way they killed my son, I have pursued them and taken them to court. I accused six policemen. Although they’re prisoners, they are allowed to enjoy a normal life.” 
In a country where killers of an MP elect are allowed to enjoy normal life, how can an opposition persuade a witness to testify on their behalf.  Mr. Prime Minister, I am sure Tina will get her questions answered beyond the shadow of doubt but if you only put the right questions in her mouth. Don’t you think people would come out to demonstrate to bring this inhumanity to your attention if demonstrations were not banned?  All of these, of course, have a lot to do with the investigation process and the EU-EOM is right on the mark when stating this point on the Report.
On what the Media has to do with the Investigation:
According to the prime Minister once Election Day is over, there is no need for the opposition to be anywhere near to the taxpayer owned government media.  Look at this relatively long but necessary quote to understand him and perhaps also help us answer another Tina Turner question:
One can also contest the validity of the assertions of the EU-EOM with regard to the media. But that would take us too far from the real agenda of complaints investigations. The election campaign had ended before May 15. All observers agree that during the election campaign all parties had fair access to public media. Just before polling day, electoral campaign through the public media ended as is the accepted practice everywhere. After May 15, the issue at hand was to investigate complaints. Such investigations cannot be carried out through media campaigns or debates. It could only be carried out by investigative panels based on evidence presented to them. But such ordinary logic is beyond the EU-EOM. If access to public media is denied to the opposition then the investigations must be flawed, they declare. But what has access to the media got to do with the investigations? Nothing!
Let’s for the time being forget asking what right in the world would justify denying the opposition access to taxpayer owned media and justify TPLF/EPRDF’s unmitigated use of it.  That may be too much to ask from a totalitarian government that has totally mixed government and party work in violation of the basic rules of civilized governance. But let’s ask PM Meles another question. What was the government media doing throughout the period of election observation? Why was the opposition, CUD at least in one case, denied access when it requested to use the media to pass stabilizing messages to its followers and the public at large? Now instead of Tina’s question let me ask you your question, Mr. Prime Minster – “Why? Why? Why?”  The honorable PM knows as well as all of us including the EU-Mission that government radio, television and newspapers were in a state of relentless attack and onslaught against the opposition, any idea they stand for and their supporters throughout the whole process.  I am not sure if the Prime Minister thinks Anna Gomez has no translators?  That was what Anna Gomez’s Report is talking about when it says the investigations were carried out in an environment of high tension you see.  Boom! Tina’s question is answered – of course access to the media had a lot to do with the investigation.   But my question of your question is not answered Mr. Prime Minister. Why, Why, Why? should an opposition that apparently has shown huge following among the populace be denied access to the media to reassure and advice its followers just as your party was able to? Was Democracy over after Election Day? You see, that is why many of us say that this election was a show for donor consumption. The show was over on May 16, the day the numbers began to come in drips and drabs heavily swung to something the PM never imagined- the ousting of EPRDF from power. Here is what Tim Clark, who cannot be suspected of having a motive for lying told the Australian Television about what went wrong with the election.
You can’t put your finger on the reason why it went wrong. But what did happen was that there was a massive, landslide swing away from the ruling party to the opposition parties, particularly in the urban areas but also to some extent in the rural areas.
The Prime Minister also made one staggering lie regarding the difference between his party and the government. Believe it or not he says the following.
The EU-EOM alleges that the government refused to agree on a code of conduct on the utilization of the media. That is a lie. The government was not and could not be part of the negations on the code of conduct.”
The truth of the matter actually is that the EU-EOM and the Ethiopian people are on the same page on this one. Instead of calling the EU Commission or us liars, Mr. Bereket and Ato Meles should first be kind enough to wear different uniforms when they do government business and that of their party. This should, at least, save us a trip to the tenquay.   In civilized democracies, the resources of the government and the party are clearly marked. They don’t even use the government phone in their offices to do calls for party business.  Had you withdrawn Mr. Bereket Simon from his responsibility of presiding over one of the most important government ministries that have to do with the election, then it would have been easier for you to make the argument you made or the unbecoming insult you lobbed at the EU Mission.   If I were Mrs. Gomez, I would ask you a non-Tina question. How in the world would I know which hat you are wearing while you were sitting in the negotiations? May be she should say How? How? How?.  Mrs. Gomez, thank you for finding out one of our greatest conundrums in Ethiopia in such a short time.  Poor us, 14 years and we still can’t differentiate between EPRDF’s program and the constitution let alone know when Mr. Meles and Bereket transmute from party to government and back to party.
One outstanding disingenuous attempts of the PM to put the truth on its head is to be found on his statistical analysis of turnouts in the election re-runs, particularly, in that funny re-run election (read coronation) of Bereket in Bugna woreda and Judedin Sedo, and Abadula Gemeda in Iteya    For an excellent exposure of this lie, I invite you to read an analysis by Dagmawi. (see here ).  Had the prime Minister thrown at least some bones to the opposition instead of “winning” all the rerun elections, it is perhaps probable that he could have created some reasonable doubt among the unsuspecting. How in the world he wants anyone to believe that the opposition was so powerful in being able to cheat and rig all the contested elections is really astounding. The opposition, no doubt, must have literally detained all the election and local government officials and candidates of the EPRDF on May 15 to be able to do this. How the PM believes “ordinary mortal” (your word Mr. PM) would buy this crap, which even a three-year-old kid would not buy, is unthinkable?
The Prime Minister wants us to believe that turnouts are measured by counting ballots instead of head counts of people who actually voted.  The EU-EOM observers were counting real voters.   Mr. Statistician PM is counting ballots.  The strange figures that even he himself admits shocked him, tell a different story from what he wants to tell us.  In fact, he shouldn’t have been shocked.  The mathematics is so easy that even any layman can do it. If 5 people can put five ballots each in Bereket’s box, then there are 100 votes to be counted.  Get relieved of your shock Mr. PM. The turn out is 5 voters not a hundred sir.   As people in these localities attest, what the EPRDF did during the reruns is “operation ballot stuffing”.  Ballots were made up of the lists of voters in the possession of that paragon of an independent institution, the Election Board, and were stuffed in the boxes of the disgraced Ministers.  Since the opposition boycotted the rerun elections and its representatives were not around, this was done with relative ease.    Mr. PM to use your own word you were doing this “very democratic” practice with  “vengeance”.
Dear readers, I have left out the response about PM Melese’s accusations of the EU-EOM of making him guilty until proven innocent to avoid any heart problem that may come together with the laughter.  I know people who have languished for years and died in his jails before even hearing the charges against them let alone be considered innocent until proven guilty.
The PM’s sanctimoniousness with which he talks about the peasants of Ethiopia deserves a bigger and separate evaluation, but it would be unfair to leave it without at least a sentence here.  I agree with the PM that Ethiopian peasants hate “injustice like no other abomination”. The Ethiopian peasants I lived and grew up with also hate liars, sir. The peasants of Bugna, for example, and Amhara peasants all over Ethiopia are wondering, how Mr. Bereket Simon, who was born and raised by two Eritrean parents can mutate into suddenly becoming, not only an important Amhara, but also their top representative in the country’s ethnic politics.  You sir, the harbinger of the interest of the Ethiopian peasants, must also tell them why their life gets more miserable with every passing year despite their being some of the hardest working people on the face of the earth.  They need answers as to how you ended up getting kickbacks from a fertilizer company while they have to sell their cattle to pay the debt for your party’s fertilizer selling company and languish in your prisons for their inability to pay.  As I am writing this Bereket Simon, that protector of the Amhara peasants, was telling a Washington DC audience on a radio station that he is set out to squeeze the peasants to produce more in order to overcome a possible cut of EU aid.
For those of us who have been rooting for democracy to take hold in Ethiopia, more than which party wins the election democracy in our tormented country is extremely distressing.  Yes, as the EU Observer Mission in its report stated, the results of the election have fallen far short of the aspirations of the Ethiopian people for democracy and, of course, the need for it.   The huge turn out of our people to vote in unprecedented numbers, unparalleled even in many democracies, stands testimony to the fact that the Ethiopian people needed change and needed it big.  They saw an opportunity to make a difference in their lives and believed in themselves. Perhaps for the first time in their history, they wanted to be masters of their own destiny.  They never want to let go the light at the end of the tunnel.  Unlike the previous two nominal elections, where people cared little even to register to vote, now they saw the presence of alternative parties who articulate their needs and aspirations. They wanted to take a chance on them and, of course, they elected them coming out in droves.  Nothing explains the historic turn out and patience of the people, the young and the old and the rich and the poor, who stood in the rain and under the backing tropical May sun to cast their votes other than their desire to see the EPRDF go off their backs.  This is the story of the May 2 elections that will be told again and again and again and again and again in our history.  No amount of spinning, no diatribe and no propaganda or no repeated lie can change this truth.
The PM Minister and his cronies need to take some breath now and see the tidal wave for change in Ethiopia. It is going to be more and more difficult to kill your way to staying in power now. There is a generous and wise offer the opposition made. In her wisdom, Mrs. Anna Gomez has also seen the relevance of this wisdom of forming a government of National Unity. She should be commended for seeing our problem and suggesting a solution, not the heap of scorn the PM put on her.
Mr. Prime Minister, you have in no uncertain terms told us that you have successive contingent plans to continue your rule.  Plan B when Plan A fails and Plan C when Plan B fails. Plan X is expected to be taking Ethiopia into the pockets of the Chinese like Mughabe of Zimbabwe.  No wonder they happened to be the first to recognize your election “victory”. You can plan for how many you can kill and how many you can imprison, which one to destroy and which to plant. One thing should be clear to you – you can only continue your neo Stalinist revolutionary democracy over the dead bodies of many Ethiopians. There seem be no more peasants to baby sit or anyone to accept your bullying tactics, When is enough is enough clear enough?
letters to the editor written by Meles Zenawi in order to spare him of Mrs Ana Gomez’e absolutely correct evaluation

የፍርሃት ባህልን (culture of fear) (culture of fear) (culture of fear) እያነገሰ ያለው የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ፤ አንድ እርምጃ ወደፊት ሁለት ወደ ኋላ

ክፍል አንድ
December 6/2013
.ያሬድ ኃይለማርያም ኃይለማርያም ኃይለማርያም
ከቤልጅየም፤ ከቤልጅየም፤ ብራስልስ
ፍርሃት የግለሰቦች ባህሪ መገለጫ ስለሆነ በማኅበረሰብ በማኅበረሰብ በማኅበረሰብ ደረጃ የሚኖረውን ገጽታ እና ትርጓሜ ማስቀመጥ ያስቸግራል። ያስቸግራል። ያስቸግራል። አንዱ ሰው
የሚፈራውን ነገር ሌላው ላይፈራው ስለሚችል ፍርሃት እንደ የግለሰቡ ባህሪ እና ጥንካሬ ወይም ስነ----ልቦናዊ ሁኔታ የተለያየ መልክ
ይኖረዋል።። ይሁንና በአንድ ማኅበረሰብ ውስጥ የሚገኙ ሰዎች የሚጋሩት ባህልና ስነ----ልቦናዊ ሁኔታ እንደመኖሩ ሁሉ የሚጋሩትም
ፍርሃት ወይም ደስታ ወይም ሃዘን ወይም ድፍረት ወይም ሌሎች ባህሪያት ይኖራል።።። በዚህም ምክንያት አንዳንድ ሰዋዊ ባህሪያት
ለአንድ ማህበረሰብ ወይም ለበርካታ ሰዎች የወል መገለጫ ተደርጎ ሲገለጽ ይስተዋላል።።።። ‘‘‘‘የዚህ አካባቢ ሰዎች ጀግኖች ወይም ጸብ
ፈሪዎች ወይም እሩህ ሩህዎች ወይም ጨካኞች ወይም ቂመኞች ወይም ገራገሮች ወይም ተንኮለኖች ወይም ጎጠኞች ወይም ሌላ
ባህሪ ያላቸው ናቸው’ ’ ’ ’ የሚል አገላለጽ የተለመደ ነው።።። ይህ አይነቱ አነጋገር ሳይንሳዊ መሰረት ያለው ባይሆንም በአካባቢው ላይ
ጎላ ብለው በሚታዩ ሰዎች ላይ ተደጋግሞና ተዘውትረው የሚታዩ ተመሳሳይ ባህሪያት የአካባቢው ሰው ሁሉ መገለጫ ተደርገው
ስለሚወሰዱ ድምዳሜው ለስህተት የተጋለጠ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ከወዲሁ ለመግለጽ እወዳለሁ።።።። ከዚህ መንደርደሪያ መንደርደሪያ መንደርደሪያ በመነሳት
በዚህ ጥልቅ ጥናት ባላካሄድኩበት ባላካሄድኩበት ባላካሄድኩበት ነገር ግን ደጋግሜ ሳብሰለስለው ሳብሰለስለው ሳብሰለስለው በቆየሁት የፍርሃት ባህል እና በኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ድባብ ዙሪያ
ያለኝን ምልከታ ለአንባቢያን ለአንባቢያን ለአንባቢያን ለማካፈልና በጉዳዩም ላይ ለመወያየት ወሰንኩ።

በአንድ ማኅበረሰብ ውስጥ የፍርሃት ድባብ እንዲሰፍን እና ከዚያም አልፎ ባህል እንዲሆን ምክንያት ከሆኑት በርካታ ነገሮች
መካከል የተወሰኑትን የተወሰኑትን የተወሰኑትን ልጥቀስና በእኛ ማኅበረሰብ ውስጥ ያላቸውን ገጽታ በመጠኑ ለመዳሰስ እሞክራለሁ። እሞክራለሁ። እሞክራለሁ። በስነ----ልቦና ጠበብቶች
ከሚጠቀሱት ዋና ዋና የፍርሃት ምንጮች መካከል፤ ነፃነትን ማጣት፣ ነገ የሚሆነውን ማወቅ አለመቻል፣ የህሊና እና የአካል ቁስልን
ባስከተሉ ትላንቶች ውስጥ ማለፍ፣ የማያቋርጥ ብስጭት ወይም ንዴት፣ ድህነት በሚያስከትለው ሚያስከትለው ሚያስከትለው ስቃይ ውስጥ መማቀቅ፣ አጋር እና
አለኝታ ማጣት፣ በሌሎች ክፉኛ መነቀፍ፣ መንጓጠጥ፣ መጠላት እና መገለል፣ በሚኖሩበት ማኅበረሰብ ዘንድ ተቀባይነትን ተቀባይነትን ተቀባይነትን ማጣት፣
የሞት አደጋን ማሰብ፣ ሽንፈት ወይም ስኬት አልባ ሆኖ መቆየት፣ እና ሌሎችም ይገኙበታል።።።። ከእነኝህ መክንያቶች ውስጥ የአንዱ
መከሰት አንድን ሰው ወደ ፍርሃት ውስጥ ሊከት እንደሚችል ጥናቶች ይጠቁማሉ።። ይጠቁማሉ። እነኝህ ምክንያቶች ተደራርበውና ተደራርበውና ተደራርበውና በአንድ ጊዜ
በአንድ ሰው ወይም በአንድ ማኅበረሰብ አባላት ላይ ሲከሰቱና ዕልባት ሳያገኙ እረዘም ላለ ጊዜ ሲቆዩ ደግሞ አደጋቸው የከፋ ነው
የሚሆነው።። ከዚህም በመነሳት ወደ እኛ ማህበረሰ ስንመለስ በግላችንም ሆነ በጋራ ህይወታችን ከላይ ከተጠቀሱት የፍርሃት
መንሰዔዎች መካከል ስንቶቹ በህይወታችን በህይወታችን በህይወታችን ውስጥ ተከስተዋል፣ ተከስተዋል፣ ተከስተዋል፣ ስንቶቹን በአሸናፊነት በአሸናፊነት በአሸናፊነት አለፍናቸዋል፣ አለፍናቸዋል፣ አለፍናቸዋል፣ ስንቶቹስ ዛሬም ድረስ
አብረውን ይኖራሉ፤ የሚሊቱን ጥያቄዎች እያንዳንዱ ሰው እራሱን እንዲጠይቅ እየተውኩ በወል በምንጋራቸው በምንጋራቸው በምንጋራቸው ጥቂት የፍርሃት
መንሰዔዎች ላይ ላተኩር።።።
የነፃነት ማጣት
ሰብአዊ መብቶች በገፍ በሚጣሱበት እና ዜጎች የሰውነት ክብራቸው ተገፎ፣ ተዋርደውና ነፃነታቸውን ነፃነታቸውን ነፃነታቸውን ተነጥቀው በሚኖሩበት አገር
ሁሉ ፍርሃት ትልቁ ገዢ ኃይል ነው።።። በእንዲህ ያለው ማህበረሰብ ውስጥ የፍርሃት ሰለባ የሆኑት እና ነፃነት አልባ ሕይወትን
የሚገፉት ተጨቋኞቹ ብቻ ሳይሆኑ ጨቋኞቹም ጭምር ናቸው።።። ተጨቋኖቹ በግፍ ልንገደል፣ ልንታሰር፣ የስቃይ ሰለባ ልንሆን፣
ታፍነን ልንሰወር፣ ከሃገር ልንሰደድ፣ ከሥራ ልንባረር፣ ንብረታችን ሊወረስ፣ በግዞት ከቦታ ቦታ ልንዛወር፣ ከቅያችን ልንፈናቀል፣ ልንፈናቀል፣ ልንፈናቀል፣
በሃሰት ክስ ልንወነጀል፣ ልንወነጀል፣ ልንወነጀል፣ ደሞዛችንን ልንነጠቅ፣ ከሥራ ደረጃችን ልንቀነስ፣ ወዘት … … … … እያሉ አደጋዎችን እያሰቡ በሽብርና በፍርሃት
ቆፈን ተይዘው ‘‘‘‘ጎመን በጤና’ ’ ’ ’ በሚል የማፈግፈጊያ የማፈግፈጊያ የማፈግፈጊያ ስልት መብቶቻቸውን መብቶቻቸውን መብቶቻቸውን አሳልፈው በመስጠት የግፍ እንቆቋቸውን እንቆቋቸውን እንቆቋቸውን እየተጎነጩ
መራራ ሕይወታቸውን ሕይወታቸውን ሕይወታቸውን ይመራሉ።።። ጨቋኞቹም ይህን በነፍጥ እና በሕግ አንበርክከው አንበርክከው አንበርክከው ነፃነቱን የነጠቁትና ለስቃይ የዳረጉት ሕዝብ
በአንድ አይነት ተአምር በቁጣ ገንፍሎ ከተነሳ አንድም ቀን እንደማያሳድራቸው እንደማያሳድራቸው እንደማያሳድራቸው ጠንቅቀው ስለሚያውቁ እያንዳንዱን እያንዳንዱን እያንዳንዱን ደቂቃና
ሰዓታት ልክ እንደ ተጨቋኙ በፍርሃት እና በሽብር ነው የሚያሳልፉት። የሚያሳልፉት። የሚያሳልፉት። ከቦታ ቦታ ሲንቀሳቀሱም፣ ሲንቀሳቀሱም፣ ሲንቀሳቀሱም፣ የእለት ሥራቸውንም
ሲያከናውኑ፣ ሲያከናውኑ፣ ሲተኙም ሆነ ሲዝናኑ በሠራዊትና በመሣሪያዎች ጋጋታ ታጅበው ነው።።። ምናልባትም ከተጨቋኞቹም ከተጨቋኞቹም ከተጨቋኞቹም በባሰ ፍርሃት
ውስጥ ነው የሚኖሩት።። የሚኖሩት።
ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለውን ሁኔታ በቅጡ ያጤንን እንደሆነ ገዢና ተገዢ እርስ በእርስ የሚፈራሩበት፤ የሚፈራሩበት፤ የሚፈራሩበት፤ መንግሥት ተቃዋሚ
ፓርቲዎችን፣ ፓርቲዎችን፣ ተቃዋሚዎች መንግሥትን የሚፈሩበትና የሚፈሩበትና የሚፈሩበትና አንዱ ሌላውን የማያምንበት የማያምንበት የማያምንበት ሁኔታ ነው የተፈጠረው። የተፈጠረው። የተፈጠረው። የመንግሥት ፍርሃት ከተቀናቃኝ የፖለቲካ ኃይሎች አልፎ የሲቪክ ማኅበረሰቡን፣ ማኅበረሰቡን፣ ማኅበረሰቡን፣ የሙያ ማኅበራትን፣ ማኅበራትን፣ ማኅበራትን፣ ነጋዴውን፣ ምሁራኑን፣ ገበሬውን፣ ወጣቱን እና
ሌላውንም የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ ክፍል ክፉኛ የሚፈራበትና በቁራኛ የሚከታተልበት የሚከታተልበት የሚከታተልበት፤ እነሱም መንግስትን እንደ ተናካሽ አውሬ የሚፈሩበት
ሁኔታ ተፈጥሯል።። ተፈጥሯል። በመንግሥትና በመንግሥትና በመንግሥትና በሕዝቡ፣ በተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎችና በመንግሥት፣ በመንግሥት፣ በመንግሥት፣ በሕዝቡና በተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች መካከል
ካለመተማመን ካለመተማመን የመነጨው ይህ ጥልቅ ፍርሃት በአገሪቱ የኢኮኖሚ፣ የፖለቲካ እና ማኅበራዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች እንቅስቃሴዎች እንቅስቃሴዎች ላይ ጥቁር ደመናን
ጋርዷል።።።። በገዢው ኃይል በኩል ያለውን የፍርሃት ድባብ ለመመልከት በየጊዜው መንግሥት የሚወስዳቸውን የሚወስዳቸውን የሚወስዳቸውን የኃይል እርምጃዎች፣ እርምጃዎች፣ እርምጃዎች፣
የሚያወጣቸውን የሚያወጣቸውን የማፈኛ ሕጎች፣ እያጠናከረ የሄደውን የሥለላና የአፈና መዋቅር፣ በመገናኛ ብዙሃን የሚያሰራጫቸውን የሚያሰራጫቸውን የሚያሰራጫቸውን ሕግን
ያልተከተሉ እና በሽብር መንፈስ የተዋጡ መግለጫና ዘገባዎችን መመልከት በቂ ነው።።። በተለይም የ1997ቱን ምርጫ ተከትሎ
የተቀሰቀሰው የተቀሰቀሰው የሕዝብ ቁጣ ያስደነበረው ያስደነበረው ያስደነበረው የወያኔ መንግሥት ከላይ የጠቀስኳቸውን የጠቀስኳቸውን የጠቀስኳቸውን እና አጥብቆ የሚፈራቸውን የሚፈራቸውን የሚፈራቸውን የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ
ክፍሎች ቀፍድዶ ለመያዝና እንቅስቃሴዎቻቸውን እንቅስቃሴዎቻቸውን እንቅስቃሴዎቻቸውን ለመገደብ ባወጣቸው የጸረ----ሽብር፣ የሲቪክ እና የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅቶች
መተዳደሪያ፣ መተዳደሪያ፣ የፕሬስ እና የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎችን ምዝገባ፣ የፀረ----ሙስና እና ሌሎች አዋጆች ሥርዓቱ የአፈና እና የመብት እረገጣ
ተግባሩን ሕጋዊ ወደማድረግ ሂደት የተሸጋገረ መሆኑን ያሳያሉ።።። ፍጹም ሰላማዊ እና ሕጋዊ በሆነ መልኩ የመብት ጥያቄዎችን ባነሱ
ዜጎች ላይ፤ አቅመ ደካሞችን እንኳን ሳይለይ ‘‘‘‘የፈሪ በትሩን’ ’ ’ ’ ሲያሳርፍ በተደጋጋሚ ተስተውሏል። ተስተውሏል። ተስተውሏል።
ባለፉት ሃያ አመታት የአገዛዝ ሥርዓቱ የፈሪ በትሩን በተለያዩ የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ ክፍሎች ላይ አሳርፏል።። አሳርፏል። ብዕርና ወረቀት በያዙ
ከከፍተኛ ደረጃ ተማሪዎች እስከ አንደኛ ደረጃ ትመህርት ቤት ሕፃናት ጋር ሳይቀር በተደጋጋሚ ጊዜያት ተላትሟል።። ተላትሟል። በርካቶችን
ገድሏል፣ አስሮ አሰቃይቷል፣ አሰቃይቷል፣ አሰቃይቷል፣ ደብድቧል፣ ከትምህርት ገበታቸው ላይ አፈናቅሏል፣ አፈናቅሏል፣ አፈናቅሏል፣ ከአገር አሰድዷል፣ በሃሰት ወንጅሎ አስፈርዷል። አስፈርዷል። አስፈርዷል።
በእምነት ቤቶች ውስጥ ገብቶ ከአማኞች፣ ከመንፈሳዊ አባቶች እና ይህን አለም ሸሽተው በገዳም ከከተሙ መነኮሳት ጋር ሳይቀር
ተላትሟል።። የኃይማኖት ተቋማት እንዲከፋፈሉና እንዲከፋፈሉና እንዲከፋፈሉና በገዢው ፓርቲ የፖለቲካ ተሿሚዎች ቁጥጥር ስር እንዲወድቁ ተደርገዋል። ተደርገዋል። ተደርገዋል።
ምእመናን በመስጊዶችና በመስጊዶችና በመስጊዶችና በቤተክርስቲያን በቤተክርስቲያን በቤተክርስቲያን ውስጥ እያሉ በታጠቁ ኃይሎች ተገድለዋል፣ ተገድለዋል፣ ተገድለዋል፣ ተደብድበዋል፣ ደብድበዋል፣ ደብድበዋል፣ ተዋርደዋል። ተዋርደዋል። ተዋርደዋል። ቀሳውስት
ጥምጥማቸውን ጥምጥማቸውን እንዲያወልቁ እንዲያወልቁ እንዲያወልቁ እና መስቀላቸውን መስቀላቸውን መስቀላቸውን እንዲጥሉ ተደርጎ በማጎሪያ ካምፖች ውስጥ የማሰቃየት ተግባር
ተፈጽሞቻቸውል። ተፈጽሞቻቸውል። ኢማሞች ጺማቸው እየተጎተተ ተወስደው ተደብድበዋል፣ ተደብድበዋል፣ ተደብድበዋል፣ ታስረዋል።። ታስረዋል። ይህ ሕዝብን የማዋረድ እና የማሸበር
ተግባር የመነጨው እንደ እኔ እምነት የገዢው ኃይል እየተባባሰበት እየተባባሰበት እየተባባሰበት ከመጣው የፍርሃት እና የመሸበር ስሜት የተነሳ በራስ
የመተማመን ስሜቱ እየተቦረቦረ እየተቦረቦረ እየተቦረቦረ በመሄዱ ነው።።። ዛሬ ሥርዓቱ የገዛ ጥላውንም የሚፈራበት፣ የሚፈራበት፣ የሚፈራበት፣ አባላቱ ላይ እንኳን እምነት ያጣበት
ደረጃ ላይ ደርሷል።።። ለእዚህም አንዱ ማሳያው በነጋ በጠባ ቁጥር ማቆሚያ በሌለው የግምገማ ስብሰባ አባላቱን ሲያስጨንቅ
መታየቱ እና ለዚሁ የሚያባክነው የሚያባክነው የሚያባክነው ጌዜ እና የሕዝብ ገንዘብ፣ የባለሥልጣናት የባለሥልጣናት የባለሥልጣናት ተደጋጋሚ ሹም ሽር እና ከአገር ከድተው የሚወጡ
ባለሥልጣናት ባለሥልጣናት እና የወያኔ አባላት ቁጥር መጨመሩ ነው።።።
ይህ የገዢው ኃይል የሕግን ልጓም በመበጣጠስ የፈረጠመ ክንዱን ይቀናቀኑኛል ይቀናቀኑኛል ይቀናቀኑኛል ባላቸው ግለሰቦች፣ ጋዜጠኞች፣ የፖለቲካ
ኃይሎችና የሙያ ማኅበራትና አባላቶቻቸው አባላቶቻቸው አባላቶቻቸው ላይ ሁሉ ማሳረፉ ቀሪውን የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ ክፍል ክፉኛ እንዲደነብርና እንዲደነብርና እንዲደነብርና በፍርሃት ቆፈን
እንዲሸማቀቅ እንዲሸማቀቅ አድርጎታል። አድርጎታል። አድርጎታል። ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የሰብአዊ መብቶች መከበር፣ የዴሞክራሲ ጥያቄዎች እና የሕግ የበላይነት
መረጋገጥ የሁሉንም የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ የኅብረተሰብ ክፍል የዕለት ተዕለት ሕይወት የሚነካ ቢሆንም የጥቂቶች ጉዳይ ተደርጎ ተወስዷል።። ተወስዷል። በእነዚህ
ጉዳዮች ላይ ጥቂት የሲቪክ ማኅበራት፣ ጥቂት ጋዜጠኞች፣ የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች እና በጠአት የሚቆጠሩ ግለሰቦ ብቻ ናቸው
ባላቸው ውሱን ጉልበት እና አቅም ሲወያዩ፣ የምንግሥትን የምንግሥትን የምንግሥትን መጥፎ ተግባራት ሲቃወሙ፣ ለዜጎች መብት ሲሟገቱ እና ባደባባይ
ሲጮሁ የሚስተዋለው። የሚስተዋለው። የሚስተዋለው።
በድህነት አረንቋ ውስጥ ተዘፍቆ መቆየት
ሌላው እና ትልቁ የፍርሃት ምንጭ በከፋ ድህነት ውስጥ ለረዥም ጊዜ እየማቀቁ መቆየት እና ድህነቱ ባስከተለው የስቃይ ህይወት
አካላዊና መንፈሳው አቅም ተሸርሽሮ ክፉኛ መጎዳት እና መዳከም ነው።።። ሕዝብን በድህነት ውስጥ አምቆ በማቆየት ለሰው ልጅ
ከሚገባው ክብር ወርዶና ከእንስሳ ያልተሻለ ሕይወት እንዲኖር በማድረግ ቅስሙን መስበር የአምባገነኖች የአምባገነኖች የአምባገነኖች አንዱ የሥልጣን
እድሜአቸውን እድሜአቸውን ማራዘሚያ ሥልት ነው።።። የድህነት ክፋቱ ኪስን ብቻ ሳይሆን የሚያራቁተው የሚያራቁተው የሚያራቁተው ክብርንም ጭምር ነው።።። አንድ ሰው
በመንገድ ላይ ቆሞና እራሱን ከመጽዋቾቹ ሥር ዝቅ አድርጎ ቁራሽ ምግብ ወይም ቤሳ ሲለምንና ሲማጸን በኩራትና በደስታ ስሜት
ውስጥ ሆኖ አይደለም።። አይደለም። እያፈረ እና እየተሸማቀቀ እየተሸማቀቀ እየተሸማቀቀ በተሸናፊነትና በተሸናፊነትና በተሸናፊነትና በዝቅተኝነት በዝቅተኝነት በዝቅተኝነት ስሜት ውስጥ ሆኖ ነው።።። ይህ ክስተት በሙሉ
ጤንነት እና በወጣትነት ወይም በጉልምስና እድሜ ላይ ባሉ ሰዎች ውስጥ ሲሆን ደግሞ ያለው የውስጥ ሕመም እና የሕሊና ቁስል
እጅግ የከፋ ነው።።። የድህነት ክፋቱ ያፈሩትን ቅሪት ብቻ ሳይሆን የሚያሳጣው ወይም ኑሮን ለማሸነፍ የሚያስችል አቅምን ብቻ
ሳይሆን የሚሸረሽረው የሚሸረሽረው የሚሸረሽረው መንፋሳዊ ወኔንም ጭምር ነው ከላያችን ገፎ የሚወስደው። የሚወስደው። የሚወስደው። ከሰውነት ደረጃ ላይ የሚያቆመንን የሚያቆመንን የሚያቆመንን መንፈሳዊ
ልዕልና ካጣን በኋላ ቁሳዊ ድህነቱን ብናሸንፈው እንኳን መንፈሳዊ ድህነቱ ይከተለናል። ይከተለናል። ይከተለናል። እዚህ ላይ ለማሳሰብ የምወደው ነገር ድሃ
ሁሉ ፈሪ ነው ወይም በፍርሃት ቆፈን የተተበተበ ነው የሚል የተሳሳተ ግንዛቤ እንዳይወሰድ እንዳይወሰድ እንዳይወሰድ ነው።።። በከፋ የኢኮኖሚ ድህነት ውስጥ
እየኖሩ ክብራቸውን አስጠብቀውና አስጠብቀውና አስጠብቀውና እና በላቀ የመንፈሳዊ ወኔያቸው እራሳቸውንና እራሳቸውንና እራሳቸውንና አገራቸውን አስከብረው ያለፉ ድሃ አያት ቅድመ
አያቶቻችንን አያቶቻችንን ማሰብ የግድ ይላል።።። ዛሬም የገንዘብ እጦትና ድህነት ያላላሸዋቸውና ያላላሸዋቸውና ያላላሸዋቸውና መንፈሳዊ ልዕልናቸውን አስጠብቀው በክብር
የሚሞቱ ወገኖች አሉን፤ ትቂቶች ቢሆኑም።።። የዚህ ጽሁፍ ትኩረት ግን በቁሳዊውም ሆነ በመንፈሳዊ ማንነታቸው ውስጥ ድህነትና ፍርሃት ተረባርበው ወይም ከሁለቱ በአንዱ
ተጠልፈው ስብእናቸው ፈተና ውስጥ የወደቀባቸውን የወደቀባቸውን የወደቀባቸውን ሰዎች የሚመለከት ነው።።። በተለይም በዚህ ግለኝነት በነገሠበት እና ገንዘብ
በሚመለክበት በሚመለክበት የአለም ወቅታዊ ሁኔታ ውስጥ መናጢ ድሃ ሆኖ ለዘመናት መቆየት መዘዙ ብዙ ነው።።። ብዙዎች ከዚህ መቋጫው
ከጠፋው የድህነት አረንቋ ለማምለጥ ስደትን አማራጭ አድርገው በተለያዩ አቅጣጫዎች አገሪቷን ለቀው ለአረብ አገራት ባርነት
ተሰደዋል።። ቀሪዎች ደግሞ የአገዛዝ ሥርዓቱ ሎሌ በመሆን ነፃነታቸው በቤሳ መሸቀጥን ቀጥለዋል።። ቀጥለዋል። ለሁለቱም እድሉን ያጡ
በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠሩ ድሆች ደግሞ በየጎዳናው ላይ ተበትነው ዝናብ፣ ውርጭና ፀሃይ እየተፈራረቁባቸው እየተፈራረቁባቸው እየተፈራረቁባቸው የመጽዋቾቻቸው ደጅ
ጠኞች ሆነዋል።።።
ከተወሰኑ አሥርት አመታት በፊት አንድ ሰው በድህነቱ ምክንያት እራሱንና ልጆቹ የትምህርት፣ የትምህርት፣ የትምህርት፣ የጤና አገልግሎት፣ አገልግሎት፣ አገልግሎት፣ መሰረታዊ የሆን
አልባሳትና መጠለያ ጎጆ ባለቤት ለማድረግ የሚገጥመው ፈተና ቢኖርም ይህን ያህል የመረረ አልነበረም። አልነበረም። አልነበረም። ዜጎች በወር ከሁለት ብር
አንስቶ እንደ የአቅማቸው የቀበሌ እና የኪራይ ቤቶችን ቤቶች ተከራይተው የመጠለያ ችግራቸውን ይቀርፉ ነበር።።። በአገሪቷ ውስጥ
የነበሩ በርካታ የሕዝብ ትምህርት ቤቶች ከመመዝገቢያ ከመመዝገቢያ ከመመዝገቢያ ያልዘለለ አነስተኛ ገንዘብ እየተቀበሉ ተማሪዎችን በነጻ ያስተናግዱ ነበር።።።
ብዙ ምሁራንንም አፍርተዋል። አፍርተዋል። አፍርተዋል። በየቀበሌው ከተደራጁ ጤና ጣቢያዎች አንስቶ በተለያዩ የመንግሥት ሆስፒታሎች ዜጎች በነፃና
እጅግ ተመጣታኝ በሆነ ክፍያ ጥሩ ሕክምና የማግኘት እድል ነበራቸው።። ነበራቸው። በአንድ ብር በሚገዛው አስር ትንንሽ ዳቦ ወላጆች
ልጆቻቸውን አብልተው ያሳድሩ ነበር።።። ዛሬ አገሪቱ በልማት እየገስገሰች እየገስገሰች እየገስገሰች እንደሆነ በሚነገርበት በሚነገርበት በሚነገርበት በዚህ ወቅት ዜጎች በኑሮ ውድነትና
ዋስትና ማጣት በጨለማ ህይወት ውስጥ እየተደናበሩ ይገኛሉ።።።
መንግሥት በኢኮኖሚውም፣ በኢኮኖሚውም፣ በኢኮኖሚውም፣ በፖለቲካውም በፖለቲካውም በፖለቲካውም ሆነ በሌሎች ኃይማኖታዊና ኃይማኖታዊና ኃይማኖታዊና ማኅበራዊ ጉዳዮች ያሻውን ቢያደርግ በሕዝብ በኩል
መላሹ ዝምታ ሆኗል።።።። አብዛኛው ሕዝብ ከተዘፈቀበት ከተዘፈቀበት ከተዘፈቀበት የድህነት አረንቋ ሳይወጣ በርካታ ነገሮች ተቀይረዋል። ተቀይረዋል። ተቀይረዋል። በመቶና በሁለት መቶ
ይገዛ የነበር ጤፍ በሺዎች ሲያወጣ ምላሹ ዝምታ ሆኗል።።። ቲማቲም እንኳን ባቅሟ በኪሎ ከሁለት ብር ወደ ሃያ ብር ስትጠጋ
አንዳንዴም ስትዘል ዝምታ፣ የቤት ኪራይ ከመቶዎች ወደ ሺዎች ሲንር ዝምታ፣ የነዳጅ ዋጋ በየጊዜው ሲያሻቅብ ዝምታ፣
የመብራት፣ የውሃ፣ የስልክ እና የኢንተርኔት የኢንተርኔት የኢንተርኔት አገልግሎቶች አገልግሎቶች አገልግሎቶች በሰአታት፣ ከዚያም ለቀናት አንዳንዴም በተወሰኑ ቦታዎች ለሳምንታት
ሲጠፉ ዝምታ፣ መነኮሳት እና አድባራት ሲዘረፉና ሲዋረዱ ዝምታ፣ መስጊዶች እና ኢማሞች ሲዋክቡና ሲታሰሩ ዝምታ፣ የአገር
ሽማግሌዎች፣ ሽማግሌዎች፣ ፖለቲከኞች፣ ፖለቲከኞች፣ ፖለቲከኞች፣ ጋዜጠኞች እና የሰብአዊ መብት ተሟጋቾች ሲደበደቡ፣ ሲታሰሩና ሲሳደዱ ዝምታ፣ የንግዱ ማኅበረሰቡ
ሲዋክብና ሲጉላላ ዝምታ፣ ገበሬዎች በማዳበሪያ እዳ ንብረታቸውን ንብረታቸውን ንብረታቸውን ሲነጠቁና ከዛም አልፎ ከትውልድ ትውልድ ያቆዩትን
ይዞታቸውን እየተነጠቀ ለውጪ ቱጃሮች ሲቸበቸብ ዝምታ፣ ወንዶች ሚስቶቻቸውና ሚስቶቻቸውና ሚስቶቻቸውና ሴት ልጆቻቸው እፊታቸው ሲደፈሩና ሲጠቁ
እያዩ ዝምታ፣ እናቶች ልጆቻቸውና ባሎቻቸው በየወጡበት ሲቀሩ እያዩ ዝምታ፣ በየከተማው የሚገኙ ነዋሪዎች ቤታቸ በላያቸው
ላይ እንዲፈርስ እየተደረገ ከነልጆቻቸ በየሜዳው ተበትነው ይዞታቸው ለስግብግብ ባለሃብቶች ሲሰጥ ዝምታ፣ የሙያ ማኅበራት
ሲጠቁ ዝምታ፣ መምህራኖች ሲዋከቡ ዝምታ፣ በብዙ ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሠራተኞች ከሥራ ገበታቸው ‘‘‘‘በድህነት ቅነሳ እስትራቴጂ’’’’
ስም ሲፈናቀሉና ለርሃብ ሲዳረጉ ዝምታ፣ ባለሥልጣናት ባለሥልጣናት ባለሥልጣናት የከፋ ሙስና ውስጥ ተዘፍቀው ሲንቦጫረቁ ዝምታ፣ ሕፃናት ሳይቀሩ
በየአደባባዩ በየአደባባዩ ግንባራቸው በጥይት እየተቦደሰ ሲረሸኑ ዝምታ፣ የአገሪቷ የትምህርት ሥርዓት ክፉኛ አቆልቁሎ ትውልድን ወደማክሰም
ደረጃ ላይ ሲደርስ እየተመለከትን እየተመለከትን እየተመለከትን ዝምታ፣ መንግሥት ድህነትን ሸሽተው ከሃገር የሚሰደዱ ወጣቶችን መንገዱን ጨርቅ
ያድርግላችው ያድርግላችው እያለና ገንዘብ እየቃረመ ለዘመናዊው ባርነት እያዘጋጀ ፓስፖርት ሰጥቶ ሲያሰድድ ዝምታ፣ በየጎዳናው የወደቁ
ሕፃናቶችን በጉዲፈቻ ስም መንግስት ለውጪ ዜጎች በብዙ ሺ ዶላር ሲቸበችብ እያየን ዝም፣ መንግስት የራሱን ሕገ----መንግስት
እየናደ የፈቀደውን ሁሉ በዜጎች ላይ ሲፈጽም የህዝብ ምላሽ ዝምታ፣ ዝምታ፣ ዝምታ…………........።።።። ስንቱ ተጠቅሶ ይቻላል?
አንድ ሕዝብ ይህ ሁሉ ውርጅብኝ ያለፋታ ሲዥጎደጎድበት ሲዥጎደጎድበት ሲዥጎደጎድበት እና መገለጫ የሌልውን ግፍ እና ጭቆና በጫንቃው ላይ ሲጫንበት
ውስጥ ውስጡን እያጉረመረመ፣ እያጉረመረመ፣ እያጉረመረመ፣ እያለቀሰና ልቡ እየደማ እንዴት ነህ ሲሉት ደህንነቱን ለመግለጽ ‘‘‘‘እግዚያብሄር እግዚያብሄር እግዚያብሄር/ አላህ ይመስገን’ ’ ’ ’
እያለ የውሸት ሳቅ እየሳቀ እንዲኖር ያስገደደው ምንድን ነው? መንፈሱና አካሉ በቁሙ ተሸርሽረው እያለቁ ባልሞትኩም ባይነት
የአያቶቹን ገድል በህሊናው እያመነዥከ በዘመኑ ለተጋረጡበት ለተጋረጡበት ለተጋረጡበት ፈተናዎች፤ በተለይም ድህነት፣ የፖለቲካና የኢኮኖሚ ጭቆዎችና
በገዛ አገሩ ተዋርዶ መኖርን ለመሸሽ ስደትን ወይም ልመናን ወይም ሕሊናን ቀብሮ ለሥርዓቱ አገልጋይ መሆንን ከማን ተማረ? ይህ
ጥልቅ የሆነው ዝምታችን የፍርሃት? ወይስ የትእግስት? ወይስ በፍርሃትና በትእግስተኛነት በትእግስተኛነት በትእግስተኛነት መካከል ሌላ ደሴት ወይም መንጠልጠያ
ስፍራ አለ? እራሳችንን እንጠይቅ!
በቀጣዩ ክፍል እስከምንገናኝ እስከምንገናኝ እስከምንገናኝ በቸር እንሰንብት!

ኔልሰን ማንዴላ በሕይወት ቢለዩንም በመንፈስ አብረውን ይቆያሉ


በአፓርታይድ የደቡብ አፍሪቃ መንግሥት ብቻ ሳይሆን በዩ. ኤስ. አሜሪካ ጭምር ሽብርተኛ ተብለው ሲሳደዱ፣ ሲታሰሩና ሲሰቃዩ የሕይወታቸውን አጋማሽ የጨረሱ፤ በመሣሪያ የታገዘ አመጽንና ሕዝባዊ እምቢተኝነትን አጣምሮ የያዘ ሁለ-ገብ ትግል በመምራት ለአፓርታይድ አገዛዝ ማብቃት ከፍተኛ ድርሻ ያለው የትግል አስተዋጽዖ ያደረጉ፤ ለመላው ዓለም የነፃነት ታጋዮች አርአያ የሆኑት ኔልሰን ማንዴላ አረፉ።
ኔልሰን ማንዴላ የነፃነት ትግልን በግንባር በመሰለፍ መርተዋል። ኢትዮጵያ ድረስ በመምጣት ወታደራዊ ሥልጠና ወስደው ዘረኛዉን የፕሪቶሪያ አገዛዝ በመሣሪያ ታግለዋል። የእሳቸው ጠመንጃ ማንሳት ለበርካታ ወጣት ታጋዮች አርዓያ ሆኗል። እስር ቤት በቆዩባቸው 27 ዓመታት ደግሞ የድርጅታቸውንና የትግሉን አመራሩ ለጓዶቻቸው በመተው እርሳቸው ለነፃነትና ለእኩልነት በመታሰርና ስቃይን በመቀበል ትግሉን መርተዋል። በዚህም ምክንያት በትግል ሜዳም በእስር ቤትም መሪ እንደሆኑ የዘለቁ ታላቅ አፍሪቃዊ ናቸው።
ከነፃነት በኋላ ደግሞ ኔልሰን ማንዴላ በሕዝብ ነፃ ፈቃድ የተመረጡ የአዲሲቷ ደቡብ አፍሪካ የመጀመሪያ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ሆነዋል። በየምርጫው ተወዳድሬ አሸንፌ በፕሬዚዳንትነት ልቀጥል ሳይሉ በአፍሪቃ ባልተለመደ ሁኔታም አንድ ዙር ብቻ አገልግለው ደግመው ላለመወዳደር ወስነው በጊዜ ሥልጣናቸውን በመልቀቅ መርተዋል። በመሆኑም ኔልሰን ማንዴላ ሥልጣን ላይ ሆነውም ሥልጣን ለቅቀውም መሪ መሆን የቻሉ ድንቅ አፍሪቃዊ ናቸው።
ኔልሰን ማንዴላ ታላቅ የነፃነት አርበኛ፣ ታላቅ የለውጥ አራማጅ፣ ታላቅ መምህር እና ታላቅ የእርቅ ሰው ነበሩ። ዛሬ ዓለም እኚህን ታላቅ አፍሪቃዊ አጣች።
ግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ በኔልሰን ማንዴላ ሕልፈት የተሰማውን ጥልቅ ሐዘን ይገልፃል። ከእንግዲህ ማንዴላን የምናስባቸው ከእሳቸው ተሞክሮ የምንማረው ሲኖር ነው። በዘረኝነት እየተጠቃን ላለነው ኢትዮጵያዊያን የማንዴላ ትምህርት ሕያው ሊሆን ይገባል።
ግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ፣ ዘረኝነትን በጽናት የመታገል ሆኖም ግን ይቅር ባይ የመሆንን እሴቶች ተግባራዊ በማድረግ ማንዴላ በሕይወት ቢለዩንም በመንፈስ ሁሌም አብረውን እንዲኖሩ እናድርግ ይላል።
የግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ ህዝብ ግንኙነት

የችግሮቻችን የመፍትሔ ቁልፍ – ወያኔን አስወግዶ ፍትህን ማስፈን

December 6/2013

አሁንም በሳውዲ አረቢያ እና አካባቢው አገሮች የሚገኙ ወገኖቻችን የድረሱን ጥሪዎች እያሰሙ ነው። የወገኖቻችን ዋይታና ሰቆቃ አልበረደም። ዛሬም እህቶቻን እየተደፈሩ፣ እየተዋረዱ፣ እየተገደሉ ናቸው። በጥጋብ አገር ውስጥ ሆነው ኢትዮጵያዊያን ሕፃናት በረሀብና በጥም እየሞቱ ነው። በርካታ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ለከፋ የአዕምሮ ህመም እየተዳረጉ ነው።
በተለያዩ የዓለም አገራት የሚገኙ ኢትዮጵያዊያን በመካከለኛው ምሥራቅ የሚገኙ ወገኖቻቸውን ሕመም እየታመሙ፤ ስቃያቸውን እየተሰቃዩ ይገኛሉ። አስቸኳይ እርዳታ ለማድረስም አቅማቸው የቻለውን ሁሉ ለማድረግ በመረባረብ ላይ ናቸው።
ባለፉት ጥቂት ሣምንታት ኢትዮጵያዊያን ባደረጓቸው ብርቱ ጥረቶች ጥቂት አበረታች ውጤቶች ተገኝተዋል። ከደረሰባቸው የመብት ረገጣ ጋር ፈጽሞ ተመጣጣኝ ባይሆንም ቢቢሲን ጨምሮ አንዳንድ የዓለም ዓቀፍ የዜና አውታሮች በወገኖቻችን ላይ ስለሚደርሰው በደል እንዲዘግቡ ማድረግ ተችሏል። እስካሁን ምን ያህል ወገኖቻችን እድሉን እንዳገኙ ማረጋገጥ ባይቻልም የሳውዲ መንግሥት ሙሉ የትራንስፓርት ወጪ ችሎ ወገኖቻችን ማጓጓዝ ጀምሯል። ዓለም ዓቀፍ የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥበቃ ድርጅቶች ለኢትዮጵያዊያን መብት መከራከር ጀምረዋል።
በአንፃሩ ግን አሁንም ሕሊናን የሚረብሹ ነገሮች እየተሰሙ ነው።
  1. ከሳውዲ እየታፈሱ የመን ድንበር ላይ የተጣሉ፤ የደረሱበት የማይታወቁ ኢትዮጵያን ቁጥር በየእለቱ እየጨመረ ነው። እነዚህ ወገኖቻችን በየመን በረሀ ላይ የሚደርስባቸው ሰቆቃ ሳውዲ ውስጥ ከነበረው የባሰ ነው።
  2. አሁንም በሳውዲ ተደብቀው የሚገኙ፤ “እጃቸውን ለመንግሥት ሰጥተው” እንደ ወንጀለኛ በእስር ቤቶች የሚማቅቁ በአስር ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያን አሉ። እነዚህ ወገኖቻችን ያሉበት ሁኔታ ሕሊና ሊሸከመው ከሚችል በላይ ነው።
ከዚህ ሁሉ በላይ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን እየረበሸ ያለው የወያኔ ባህርይ ነው።
ወያኔ በእንዲህ ዓይነት የመከራ ወቅትም በወገኖቻችን ላይ ዘርፈ ብዙ ንግድ እያጧጧፈ ነው። በሳውዲ አረቢያ መንግሥት ወጪ የተመለሰሉትን ወገኖቻችን ለምርጫ ቅሰቀሳ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ሥራ እየተጠቀሙባቸው መሆኑ ሳያንስ ለእለት ጉርስ የሚሰጣቸው የእርዳታ ገንዘብ በወያኔ እየተዘረፉ ነው። ገንዘብ ባለበት ሁሉ ወያኔ አለ። ወያኔ ለተመላሽ ስደተኞች የእለት ጉርስ የተሰጠውንም እርዳታ እየቀማ የሚበላ እኩይ ኃይል ነው።
ድሆች ኢትዮጵያዊያን ወደ አረብ አገራት ሲሰደዱ ለወያኔ ድርጅቶች ገንዘብ ከፍለው ነው። እዚያ በነበሩበት ጊዜም ለወያኔ ገንዘብ እንዲከፍሉ ይደረግ ነበር። በግፍ ተፈናቅለው፤ ሀብታቸው ተዘርፎ ባዶ እጃቸውን ሲመለሱም ለወያኔ የእርዳታ ገንዘብ መለመኛ ሆነዋል። ወያኔ በድሆች ኢትዮጵያዊያን ድህነት የሚከብር በታሪካችን ውስጥ ታይቶ የማይታወቅ ስግብግብ ነው። ወያኔ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ፈጽሞ ሊጠየፉት የሚገባ ነው ስብስብ ነው።
ግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ በችግር ላይ የሚገኙ ወገኖቻችንን ከመርዳት ጎን ዓይኖቻችንን ከወያኔ እንዳንነቅል በአጽንዖት ያሳስባል። ወያኔ ከሥልጣን ሳይወገድ ችግሮቻችንን መፍታት አንችልም። የኢትዮጵያዊያን ችግሮች ለወያኔ የገቢ ምንጮች ናቸና ወያኔ እስካለ ድረስ ችግሮችን መፍጠሩና ማስፋፋቱ አይቀርም።
የኛ የኢትዮጵያዊያን ችግሮች የመፍትሔ ቁልፍ ያለው ወያኔን በማስወገድ ፍትሀዊ አመራር ማስፈን ላይ በመሆኑ የጋራ ትኩረታችን እዚያ ላይ እንዲሆን ግንቦት 7 ያሳስባል።
 ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!!