TPLF officials of the Ethiopian regime

Lately listening what TPLF bandits say shows; there is a complete communication breakdown between the people of Ethiopia and the ruling bandits. Watching the four bandits led by the infamous Berket Simon on EBC TV to tell us there is a functioning government not to mention a legitimate one was hilarious beyond belief again to reinforce that reality. Just because the bandits showed up on propaganda videos as their assassins are in killing spree of Ethiopians makes you wonder whether TPLF members are delusional, insane or simply desperate not to surrender power.
One credit Ethiopians shouldn’t deprive the self-proclaimed TPLF bandits is; they never denied they are bandits ever since they ‘invade’ and ‘occupied’ the country in the name of Federalism but, believe there is nothing wrong with it. Therefore, the problem isn’t so much they disagree with Ethiopians but, they wholeheartedly believe banditry is a good and the right thing to do as we are witnessing.
It sounds juvenile to explain ‘grown ups’ the basics of right-and-wrong about banditry. But, if you listen attentively what the ‘intellectuals’ that authored the script of TPLF banditry, you can see clearly they are wired to believe their own fibs and willing to ‘kill’ for it. That is the crooks of the matter that divide Woyane bandits from the rest of Ethiopians. Don’t get it wrong. There are other ‘intellectuals’ that believe the same but practice it in their own creepy ways.
In the art of modern communication unverifiable facts are irrelevant. Only faith in the divine expressed by the scriptures is exempt. Therefore, unless Woyane claims it is a religion instead of political entity with ideology it pretend to be and as many Ethiopians mistakenly assume, the reality it is a cult by its deeds expressed by its intellectual followers is real. As the result, communication breakdown to speak the same language about right-and wrong not possible.
For instant, Woyane bandits believe; robbing, extorting and killing the people of Ethiopia and the nation is development, investment and security and say it in public without blinking an eye as if it is the three Commandments. In contrast, Ethiopians rightly believe; robbing the people, extorting the nation and terrorizing the population is crimes of corruption, racketeering and terrorism respectively. Coupled with the long TPLF held belief; Amharas, they invented are ‘the devils’ explains it is a cult than a political entity.
Take the late cult leader and former Prime ‘Messiah’ Melse Zenawi that ‘brought his people’ to the ‘Promised Land’ but, vilified by most Ethiopians as a conniving mercenary that brought misery and shame to the people and the nation. Let’s face it, if almost all TPLF elites believe the ‘scripture’ written by the Messiah for the last four decades as we are witnessing; what else but a cult can deliver such collective insanity in the middle of its mass atrocities?
Remember, it is not the common person but highly educated intellectuals in the most prestigious Western institutions that believe and dedicate themselves to make the late ‘Messiah’ Melse not only a historical figure but, legitimize banditry the right way of conducting business. Delusion at that level of human intellect engrained in the mind-and-soul is what brought about the collective amnesia that swept Woyanes and explains why they are out of touch with the reality. Short of calling them complete airheads contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is no other explanations than to say they are cult followers.
Reluctant withdrawal from the TPLF cult by few we hear from time-to-time is a good sign in the right direction but, won’t explain their motives nor their persistent double talk to preserve the cult at the same time. Some snap out of their illusion only to say; Woyane is not a cult but, a political entity with problems like any others that can be fixed. Knowing its long rap sheet of delinquencies since its inception and short of calling it an illicit organization need scraping — buying time to preserve it seems the game. Others are simply psychologically gratified by symbols showing their trophy of banditry they believe worth their crimes. The savvier Woyane bandits seem to keep low profile to rip the highest benefits of what the cult offers without alarming Ethiopians.
Keep in mind, the rigidity of the cult with punishment up to death for leaving it and with blind followers and missionaries (assassins) unlike a political party with members that share same ideology as we are led to believe is not helping. In that regard, no one on record ever argued; there exist a political ideology to make TPLF a political entity but commandment/manifesto to make it a cult. Therefore, given the behavior of its members at this critical time; accepting Woyane as a cult goes a long way to understand where it is coming from and how Ethiopians should deal with it.
Take the recently reviled news 1000s of Woyane missioners (spies) that sought false political asylum around the world as Eritrean refugees – conforming; Eritrean ‘refugees’ in Ethiopia confined in six camps all in ‘Tigray Region’ are used to send TPLF missioners (spies) to preach/disrupt Ethiopians in the Diaspora that oppose the cult. The revelation coincides with the high number of refugees out of Eritrea TPLF propagate as one prove to impose sanction and regime change in Eritrea is a work of the law profile-high ranking cult members. It is becoming clear, the UN refugee resettlement program for Eritrean refugees from Ethiopia consist of TPLF spies, some say most of the refugees are not Eritreans as the investigation continue to implicate many.
What kind of a minority political party in the name of ‘Federal’ Ethiopia but a cult would do such a thing and expect to be taken as the government of Ethiopia itself answers the big question of what Woyane is all about. Worst yet, the silence of the intellectuals busy distracting and dividing Ethiopians to preserve the cult speaks for itself.
Though committing ‘crime’ in the name of a cult doesn’t mean much for a Woyane believers, the implication of such high level spy smuggling operation against multilateral organizations like UN and Western governments that fund it as well as laws governing immigration in countries of resettlement is huge. It opens a can of warm that will implicate every diplomat from as high as Ambassadors and as low as cadres in the Diaspora that facilitate human-spy smuggling rings if handled properly.
The Eritrean government that was implicated as the ‘source of the largest numbers of refugees’ as quoted by TPLF led regime in Addis Ababa and by Western government officials as well as members of the UN Security Council as evidence to sanction and isolate Eritrea would undoubtedly will raises more investigations to get to the bottom of TPLF spies settling as Eritrean refugees around the world.
But, most importantly; Ethiopians in the Diaspora that are the target of TPLF spies in every sector of the community including churches, mosques and Medias can do many things to end TPLF spy smuggling operations.
For example, every ‘Ethiopian from Tigray’ that claim to be refugee must be evaluated if he or she came as Eritrean refugee, particularly through the six refugee camps in the ‘Tigray Region’. Though there are evidences — high level TPLF intelligent agents are part of resettlement plot to come as Eritrean refuges from Addis Ababa and Mekele to infiltrate Ethiopians in the Diaspora, the vast majority are believed to come from Tigray Region where all refugee camps are located to be processed by UNHCR officials assigned at the site, according to the source.
In that regard, the infamous mouthpiece of TPLF and owner of EthiopiaFirst Binyam Kebed in a staged propaganda video piece last year showed; refugee camps that appeared more like fronts for TPLF spy operations.
Moreover, Ethiopians in Diaspora can play a major role to get to the bottom of TPLF spies posed as Eritrean refugees in the countries of settlements out diplomatic missions. It is important to keep in mind, most of the spies are in major cities where Ethiopians in the Diaspora reside and known by TPLF ‘diplomatic’ stuff. Some of the things Ethiopian in Diaspora can do are;
An official request to governments, immigration and law enforcement agencies of a concerned countries for complete reevaluation of all Eritrean refugees that came out of Ethiopia, particularly through the six refugee camps in Tigray Region would identify TPLF spies.
Investigation of TPLF representatives in Diaspora in every city to revile the status of individuals that came posed as Eritrean refugee would expose TPLF agents.
Notifying concerned international organizations on refugee issue including the UN Security and Human Right Council, and UNHCR to call for independent investigations on the regime in Addis Ababa, its diplomatic missions and the UNHCR’ personnel responsible for the resettlement of Eritrean and Somali refugees’ from Ethiopia would expose the crimes and corruptions of the responsible parties.
Calling on concerned governments and law enforcement agencies to investigate Ethiopian diplomats (former and present) to identify TPLF spies posed as Eritrean Refugees in-and-out of Ethiopian missions and operating illicit businesses would implicate the criminals.
Such concerted effort can help clean up some of the mess TPLF created in the Diaspora and identify TPLF agents responsible for the crimes as well as TPLF led Federal Immigration authorities and goes a long way to help end Woyanes’ crimes.
As the reaction to and support for the ongoing Ethiopian revolution to end TPLF rule at home and abroad intensify, the enormity of the accumulated crimes TPLF bandits perpetuated on the people of Ethiopia little known for an average person will implicate many around the world. But, it requires diligent documentation of the responsible persons, notification of the proper authorities, organizations and Medias, filing charges in the appropriate jurisdictions and legal venue and, most importantly; informing the people of Ethiopia what was done in their name and who is responsible.
As every political, civic, religious and advocacy group and Media continue to raise the voices of the people of Ethiopia and challenge the rogue ruling regime/cult to surrender power, it is important to remember, the struggle is about the rights and liberties and the welfare of the people of Ethiopia not for the political parties or interest groups’ of one kind or another agenda as we are witnessing when many interest groups scramble to position themselves for other than the interest of the people of Ethiopia.
At the meantime, failing to challenge the core foundation of the rogue TPLF led regime/cult and its operatives/missionaries around the world had had profound and lasting impact on the people of Ethiopia for the last 26 years. In that regard, clandestine organizations and Medias with little or no transparent mission made it possible for the rogue regime/cult to do more damage than otherwise.
Whether dismantling TPLF spy networks or economic racketeering ring and social chaos and confusion it brought or instituting democratic rule of behalf of Ethiopians demands principled stand on democracy and the rule of law; not loyalty to any individual[s] or organization[s] and interest group[s] as we continue to witness with many old-and-new parties, organizations and Medias little known to the people.
TPLF bandits already charged, convicted and sentenced themselves in public. What is left is surrender power. But, to fall for TPLF ‘hyenas’ or any others running loss to tell us once again; Ethiopians hate each other more than we hate hyenas that want us for dinner one-at-a-time is simply a pipedream concocted by our enemies.
At the meantime, just because TPLF bandits are hyenas in the dark doesn’t necessary mean there are no foxes, vultures… in daylight wanting to have Ethiopians for lunch either? Without conviction to the cause of our people’s democratic rights and liberties to separates the hyenas, the foxes or the vultures; we won’t do justice to our people’s struggle for freedom and democracy.After all, isn’t the ONLY question; TO-BE-OR-NOT-TO-BE for the rights and liberties of the people?
Our people are watching and waiting to know who-is-who and for what.
The article is dedicated to all Ethiopians at home and around the world that stood their ground TO-BE for the rights and liberties of our people nothing else and it shows. Anything else was, is, should and will be irrelevant as TPLF cult.
WARNING: TPLF cult members can’t get out of the jam singing propaganda and killing the innocent. Hiding or running from the reality of who they are isn’t going to help either. As saying goes; a man have to face his demon sooner than later and the time is now.
TPLF officials of the Ethiopian regime
Lately listening what TPLF bandits say shows; there is a complete communication breakdown between the people of Ethiopia and the ruling bandits. Watching the four bandits led by the infamous Berket Simon on EBC TV to tell us there is a functioning government not to mention a legitimate one was hilarious beyond belief again to reinforce that reality. Just because the bandits showed up on propaganda videos as their assassins are in killing spree of Ethiopians makes you wonder whether TPLF members are delusional, insane or simply desperate not to surrender power.
One credit Ethiopians shouldn’t deprive the self-proclaimed TPLF bandits is; they never denied they are bandits ever since they ‘invade’ and ‘occupied’ the country in the name of Federalism but, believe there is nothing wrong with it. Therefore, the problem isn’t so much they disagree with Ethiopians but, they wholeheartedly believe banditry is a good and the right thing to do as we are witnessing.
It sounds juvenile to explain ‘grown ups’ the basics of right-and-wrong about banditry. But, if you listen attentively what the ‘intellectuals’ that authored the script of TPLF banditry, you can see clearly they are wired to believe their own fibs and willing to ‘kill’ for it. That is the crooks of the matter that divide Woyane bandits from the rest of Ethiopians. Don’t get it wrong. There are other ‘intellectuals’ that believe the same but practice it in their own creepy ways.
In the art of modern communication unverifiable facts are irrelevant. Only faith in the divine expressed by the scriptures is exempt. Therefore, unless Woyane claims it is a religion instead of political entity with ideology it pretend to be and as many Ethiopians mistakenly assume, the reality it is a cult by its deeds expressed by its intellectual followers is real. As the result, communication breakdown to speak the same language about right-and wrong not possible.
For instant, Woyane bandits believe; robbing, extorting and killing the people of Ethiopia and the nation is development, investment and security and say it in public without blinking an eye as if it is the three Commandments. In contrast, Ethiopians rightly believe; robbing the people, extorting the nation and terrorizing the population is crimes of corruption, racketeering and terrorism respectively. Coupled with the long TPLF held belief; Amharas, they invented are ‘the devils’ explains it is a cult than a political entity.
Take the late cult leader and former Prime ‘Messiah’ Melse Zenawi that ‘brought his people’ to the ‘Promised Land’ but, vilified by most Ethiopians as a conniving mercenary that brought misery and shame to the people and the nation. Let’s face it, if almost all TPLF elites believe the ‘scripture’ written by the Messiah for the last four decades as we are witnessing; what else but a cult can deliver such collective insanity in the middle of its mass atrocities?
Remember, it is not the common person but highly educated intellectuals in the most prestigious Western institutions that believe and dedicate themselves to make the late ‘Messiah’ Melse not only a historical figure but, legitimize banditry the right way of conducting business. Delusion at that level of human intellect engrained in the mind-and-soul is what brought about the collective amnesia that swept Woyanes and explains why they are out of touch with the reality. Short of calling them complete airheads contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is no other explanations than to say they are cult followers.
Reluctant withdrawal from the TPLF cult by few we hear from time-to-time is a good sign in the right direction but, won’t explain their motives nor their persistent double talk to preserve the cult at the same time. Some snap out of their illusion only to say; Woyane is not a cult but, a political entity with problems like any others that can be fixed. Knowing its long rap sheet of delinquencies since its inception and short of calling it an illicit organization need scraping — buying time to preserve it seems the game. Others are simply psychologically gratified by symbols showing their trophy of banditry they believe worth their crimes. The savvier Woyane bandits seem to keep low profile to rip the highest benefits of what the cult offers without alarming Ethiopians.
Keep in mind, the rigidity of the cult with punishment up to death for leaving it and with blind followers and missionaries (assassins) unlike a political party with members that share same ideology as we are led to believe is not helping. In that regard, no one on record ever argued; there exist a political ideology to make TPLF a political entity but commandment/manifesto to make it a cult. Therefore, given the behavior of its members at this critical time; accepting Woyane as a cult goes a long way to understand where it is coming from and how Ethiopians should deal with it.
Take the recently reviled news 1000s of Woyane missioners (spies) that sought false political asylum around the world as Eritrean refugees – conforming; Eritrean ‘refugees’ in Ethiopia confined in six camps all in ‘Tigray Region’ are used to send TPLF missioners (spies) to preach/disrupt Ethiopians in the Diaspora that oppose the cult. The revelation coincides with the high number of refugees out of Eritrea TPLF propagate as one prove to impose sanction and regime change in Eritrea is a work of the law profile-high ranking cult members. It is becoming clear, the UN refugee resettlement program for Eritrean refugees from Ethiopia consist of TPLF spies, some say most of the refugees are not Eritreans as the investigation continue to implicate many.
What kind of a minority political party in the name of ‘Federal’ Ethiopia but a cult would do such a thing and expect to be taken as the government of Ethiopia itself answers the big question of what Woyane is all about. Worst yet, the silence of the intellectuals busy distracting and dividing Ethiopians to preserve the cult speaks for itself.
Though committing ‘crime’ in the name of a cult doesn’t mean much for a Woyane believers, the implication of such high level spy smuggling operation against multilateral organizations like UN and Western governments that fund it as well as laws governing immigration in countries of resettlement is huge. It opens a can of warm that will implicate every diplomat from as high as Ambassadors and as low as cadres in the Diaspora that facilitate human-spy smuggling rings if handled properly.
The Eritrean government that was implicated as the ‘source of the largest numbers of refugees’ as quoted by TPLF led regime in Addis Ababa and by Western government officials as well as members of the UN Security Council as evidence to sanction and isolate Eritrea would undoubtedly will raises more investigations to get to the bottom of TPLF spies settling as Eritrean refugees around the world.
But, most importantly; Ethiopians in the Diaspora that are the target of TPLF spies in every sector of the community including churches, mosques and Medias can do many things to end TPLF spy smuggling operations.
For example, every ‘Ethiopian from Tigray’ that claim to be refugee must be evaluated if he or she came as Eritrean refugee, particularly through the six refugee camps in the ‘Tigray Region’. Though there are evidences — high level TPLF intelligent agents are part of resettlement plot to come as Eritrean refuges from Addis Ababa and Mekele to infiltrate Ethiopians in the Diaspora, the vast majority are believed to come from Tigray Region where all refugee camps are located to be processed by UNHCR officials assigned at the site, according to the source.
In that regard, the infamous mouthpiece of TPLF and owner of EthiopiaFirst Binyam Kebed in a staged propaganda video piece last year showed; refugee camps that appeared more like fronts for TPLF spy operations.
Moreover, Ethiopians in Diaspora can play a major role to get to the bottom of TPLF spies posed as Eritrean refugees in the countries of settlements out diplomatic missions. It is important to keep in mind, most of the spies are in major cities where Ethiopians in the Diaspora reside and known by TPLF ‘diplomatic’ stuff. Some of the things Ethiopian in Diaspora can do are;
An official request to governments, immigration and law enforcement agencies of a concerned countries for complete reevaluation of all Eritrean refugees that came out of Ethiopia, particularly through the six refugee camps in Tigray Region would identify TPLF spies.
Investigation of TPLF representatives in Diaspora in every city to revile the status of individuals that came posed as Eritrean refugee would expose TPLF agents.
Notifying concerned international organizations on refugee issue including the UN Security and Human Right Council, and UNHCR to call for independent investigations on the regime in Addis Ababa, its diplomatic missions and the UNHCR’ personnel responsible for the resettlement of Eritrean and Somali refugees’ from Ethiopia would expose the crimes and corruptions of the responsible parties.
Calling on concerned governments and law enforcement agencies to investigate Ethiopian diplomats (former and present) to identify TPLF spies posed as Eritrean Refugees in-and-out of Ethiopian missions and operating illicit businesses would implicate the criminals.
Such concerted effort can help clean up some of the mess TPLF created in the Diaspora and identify TPLF agents responsible for the crimes as well as TPLF led Federal Immigration authorities and goes a long way to help end Woyanes’ crimes.
As the reaction to and support for the ongoing Ethiopian revolution to end TPLF rule at home and abroad intensify, the enormity of the accumulated crimes TPLF bandits perpetuated on the people of Ethiopia little known for an average person will implicate many around the world. But, it requires diligent documentation of the responsible persons, notification of the proper authorities, organizations and Medias, filing charges in the appropriate jurisdictions and legal venue and, most importantly; informing the people of Ethiopia what was done in their name and who is responsible.
As every political, civic, religious and advocacy group and Media continue to raise the voices of the people of Ethiopia and challenge the rogue ruling regime/cult to surrender power, it is important to remember, the struggle is about the rights and liberties and the welfare of the people of Ethiopia not for the political parties or interest groups’ of one kind or another agenda as we are witnessing when many interest groups scramble to position themselves for other than the interest of the people of Ethiopia.
At the meantime, failing to challenge the core foundation of the rogue TPLF led regime/cult and its operatives/missionaries around the world had had profound and lasting impact on the people of Ethiopia for the last 26 years. In that regard, clandestine organizations and Medias with little or no transparent mission made it possible for the rogue regime/cult to do more damage than otherwise.
Whether dismantling TPLF spy networks or economic racketeering ring and social chaos and confusion it brought or instituting democratic rule of behalf of Ethiopians demands principled stand on democracy and the rule of law; not loyalty to any individual[s] or organization[s] and interest group[s] as we continue to witness with many old-and-new parties, organizations and Medias little known to the people.
TPLF bandits already charged, convicted and sentenced themselves in public. What is left is surrender power. But, to fall for TPLF ‘hyenas’ or any others running loss to tell us once again; Ethiopians hate each other more than we hate hyenas that want us for dinner one-at-a-time is simply a pipedream concocted by our enemies.
At the meantime, just because TPLF bandits are hyenas in the dark doesn’t necessary mean there are no foxes, vultures… in daylight wanting to have Ethiopians for lunch either? Without conviction to the cause of our people’s democratic rights and liberties to separates the hyenas, the foxes or the vultures; we won’t do justice to our people’s struggle for freedom and democracy.After all, isn’t the ONLY question; TO-BE-OR-NOT-TO-BE for the rights and liberties of the people?
Our people are watching and waiting to know who-is-who and for what.
The article is dedicated to all Ethiopians at home and around the world that stood their ground TO-BE for the rights and liberties of our people nothing else and it shows. Anything else was, is, should and will be irrelevant as TPLF cult.
WARNING: TPLF cult members can’t get out of the jam singing propaganda and killing the innocent. Hiding or running from the reality of who they are isn’t going to help either. As saying goes; a man have to face his demon sooner than later and the time is now.
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